im heLLa CraZy duDe who likeS to haVe Fun! umm letS say ImA pLeasUrE seEKeR! lol gee.. DanG fa' SErioUs! iM aSinErO "Aj" aArOn JoShUa! LoL daymn i shOuLD nOt put thIs but itS aITe for y0 saKE pPL.. i jUst turNEd 21 and iT wAs aLL g00d! reALL it caN kiCk my A$$ for SHO! im hELLa fIttEd cuZ hahaha i caN sue PreDatOrs .. ohh ummm ppL who trYin to piSSed ma cuTe ass.. LoL but if u knOe mE weLL im preTTy coOL and NicE to be WitH , duN heSiTaTe i w0nt kiLL .. HeLL naaawww.. i d0nt haVe gUns n0r nunChaKus! LoL bOy im s0 fUnnY! aiTe hahaha get it StrAight, hiT mE uP wankStas enH mObbIeS so y0 woULd knOe my ReaL EgO .. i MeaNt MEhhh mEhhhh mEhh... iM kO0Ler , tUff gLitCheD enh blah blah blah.. i SaID to0 muCh!!!
I made this MySpace MP3 Player at .