Well, how do you describe your life, personality & complexities in a few short sentences? Hmm... I'm a laid-back, easy-going, jeans & t-shirts kinda gal, but i can go from zero to bitch in 0.6 seconds! Stress and I do not mix well! Had more than enough drama to last me for a real good long while now, thank you very much! I'm naturally sweet, but can be equally as vicious when/if necessary! I'm at a bit of a cross-roads in my life right now & trying to decide which roads would be the best ones for me to take. Should I stay, or should I go now?... Ok, so how was that? Maybe I'll write more later (does anybody even really read this stuff anyway?)! For now, I'm just ME, take it or leave it. And I LOVE these Tyson pics!:
Buried at PhotoCasket