LuCy wAs a DiVeR profile picture

LuCy wAs a DiVeR

i KnOw i hAvE nO SeLf CoNtRoL...BuT i..M sTiLl yOuR LiOnEsS...yEaH pAcE iS tHe tRiCk...

About Me

ThE wOrLd iS nOt eNoUgH...cAn yOu fEeL iT?

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My Interests

cReAr CoNcIeNcIa! eL sEr hUmAnO eS eL aNiMaL mAs DeSpReCiAbLe SoBrE lA TiErRa...nO Es JuStO AcAbAr cOn La ViDa De OtROs SeReS...No ViStAs cOn PiElEs...NO DESTRUYAS!...y NUNK MATES...!

I'd like to meet:

a tOdA La GeNtE aDiCtA aLa MuSiCa...jUSt LiKe mE...!


iNtErPoL-SiGuR rOs-FuNeRaL fOr A fRiEnD-MuSe-DeFtOnEs-ChEvElLe-ThE ArCaDe FiRe-DePeChE mOdE-InCuBuS-30 SeCoNdS tO mArS-mXpX-MiLlEnCoLlin-BaD ReLiGiOn-PeNnYwiSe-nO uSe fOr A NaMe-pIxIeS-cOhEeD aNd cAmBrIa-PiNk FlOyD-hEaD AuToMaTiCa-tAkInG bAcK sUnDaYs-pOrTiShEaD-VeRuCa SaLt-Le TiGrE-tHe DiLlInGeR sCaPe PlAn-blur-tHe StiLlS-tHe HiVeS-tHe ViNeS-LoU rEaD-LeD zEpPELiN-aLiCe cOoPeR-eLaStIcA-ZuRdOk-cLiNiC-NiRvAnA-tHe KiLlErS-tHe cHaRlAtAnS-aZuL ViOlEtA-SuSsIe 4-aLiCe iN cHaInS-TiEsTo-pAuL vAn DyK-pAuL OaKeNfOlD-hErNaN cAtTaNeO-StElLaStArR-pOrTeR-De SaLoOn-RaDiOhEaD-eVeRcLeAr-fOo FiGhTeRs-bEnGaLa-tHe mUsiC-bLuR-AiR-ViOlEnT fEmS-tHe LiBeRtInEs-uNdErOaTh-tHe tRaNsPlAnTs-tHe SmiThS-SeX PiStOLs-tHe cLaSh-LoSt aCaPuLcO-sTrAiGhTs JaCkEtS-StOrY Of ThE yEaR...& many,many more...!


alicia en el pais de las maravillas-girl next door-cruel intentions-naranja mecanica-traispotting-irreversible-violame-la pianista-pulp fiction-kill bill 1 y 2-requiem for a dream-full monty-cold mountain-southpark the movie-50 first dates-troya-alexander-big fish-el cadaver de la novia-jack-matando cabos-napoleon dynomite-voces inocentes-engel & joe-alfie-amelie-life of brian-what the (bleep) do you know? (excelente movie!),etc...


the o.c-grey..s anathomy-friends-father of the pride-sex and the city-los simpson-futurama-desperate housewives-that 70..s show-will & grace-lost-southpark-family guy-4400...


alice in wonderland de lewis carroll-sin plumas de woody allen-inventario 1 de mario benedetti-horal y la senial de jaime sabines-la insoportable levedad del ser de milan kundera-100 anios de soledad de gabriel gacia marquez y aura de carlos fuentes,x mencionar solo algunos...


coco chanel,mata hari,maria callas,ella fitzgerald,marilyn monroe,greta garbo...& all those women with a wonderfull life & xtrange death.!...