Well I recently moved to LA after living in Washington, DC for 8 years. I grew up in a small Florida town surrounded by beautiful white beaches and true southern hospitality. I was raised to open doors for others and let everyone else off the elevator before I try to get on. I say "please" and "thank you" and I mean it. I enjoy alone time as much as being with a fun group of friends. I am happiest when I get to take a nap, but grumpiest while trying to wake up. I'm stubborn and willful, but rarely see anything in black and white. I communicate better with my mouth than with a pen. I can have quite the temper; but I am pretty laid back. I'll take a martini as fast as I'll take a glass of fine wine, but just not too many. I take moments to notice the beauty around me. I adore my dedication and I despise my procrastination. I prefer to surround myself with people who are doing something with their lives, as opposed to those who try to pull down others with them. I'd rather skip the main course and just have another helping of dessert. I'm hardest on the people I care about the most, including myself, and that's not very fair sometimes. I value success and happiness much more than wealth. But having money does make things easier. I will not waste my time and energy hating someone or something and I try to love the world around me. I see big things in the future, just not sure yet how to define "big" just yet. I know I'm not perfect and I constantly have to remind myself that I can't expect others to be. I'm a work-in-progress along with everyone else.
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