Riddle me this...that..
If I asked you to pinpoint your fondest memory, what would it be?: Playing at my grandma's and grandad's as a child.
What was your proudest moment?: When I graduated from High school
How would you like to die?: In God's grace
What are your guiltiest pleasures?: I cant say that on the net..Its not lady like....
Biggest Fantasy?: Well I hope my fantasy can become a reality...Someone who can love me for just me, not how may bills I have in my pocket or how may I have, but just me and whole heartedly sees the good nature in me..I guess that soulds like a long shot but you asked me and I told you my fantasy.
Biggest Fetish?: Picking bumps and stuff like that.
What is the saddest moment you can remember?: Whan I realized that I hurt someone that I truly care for and crushed a friendship/relationship.
Name some things you particularly like to eat.: Chicken of course,
Strawberry Pop Tarts,Red beans and rice
Name some things you particularly dislike eating.: Liver
List your top 5 "Life Priorities".: 1.Get a degree, 2.Have my business
3.Take care of family, 4.Keep working,5. And last but not least"DO ME, watch me do me"
What do you think is your best physical feature?: I guess my eyes?
Confess something to me.: I Love to Love, I m not of hater of Love
Take back something you've said.: Yes, yes, yes, Once I ran my mouth too much to someone and f@#ked up.
Your closest confidante is:: J and Yoshi
The person you most trust is:: Me
People you arguably 'despise':: I guess I havent put that much though into it.
What is your favorite movie to date?: Menace 2 Society, Goundhog Day and Matrix
Favorite scent?: Malibu Musk, but they dont make that anymore,
Favorite soap/shampoo/toothpaste?: I LIke Cream of Nature shampoo, and Paul Mitchell too.
Last 5 people you have embraced?: family times three and friends.
Number of people you have ever kissed.: I have no clue
What are you most attracted to physically (typically)?: Choclate men and Men with a sense of direction, and strengh.
What physical attribute do you dislike?: I like it all
Worst thing you have ever done?: Lied when I didnt have too, I guess, Im not that bad.
Best thing you have ever done?: Trusted in God,and let him lead the way.
How many times a day?: How many times a day what? Well if you must know like twice in the morning and at night.......That I brush
How many times a week?: All week especially if its good, Toothpaste you know?
Most secret desire?: That is too much for you eyes to read.
Deepest fear?: Not being able to prosper.
Phobia?: nada
Philia(s)?: nada
How long?: nada
Favorite word?: at the moment "yeah, right"
Song most truthful to you?: More that I can bear by Gods Property
Your worst habit is:: biting my nails, I work real hard to try to stop 24/7
Most valuable aspect of a relationship?: Honesty and understanding
Something you're afraid to admit?: I dont want to disclose that, its too personal plus no one would believe me.
A statistic pertaining to you:: na
Comforting thought (detailed):: Peace inner and outer.
Describe a 'date' to me:: Fun and conversation with each other.
Something in your room I'd be surprised to find:: I dont know
Favorite quote?: na
Biggest aspiration/dream?: To make it, in all ways that make me feel complete.
Something that drives you crazy:: When someone cant tell me how they feel,period actually It can push me away If Its too hard for me.
Clothes you would most like to see on the opposite sex?: Nice ones
Favorite garment/adornment?: Purses and jewelry
Somewhere you want to go:: Georgia,Atlanta that is....
Recent lies you've told:: I can think of one cause I really dont like to lie too much
The full names of all of your family members.: na
Anything else you would like to tell me?: Im One in a million, and a prize
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