Strangebrew Scooter Crew profile picture

Strangebrew Scooter Crew

About Me

(Please note, if your account is set to private and it appears to be SPAM, include a message with your friend request)
The Strangebrew Scooter Crew is a scooter club dedicated to the preservation and the propagation of traditional scooter culture here in California's Central Coast. Members are scattered around Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, Utah, wherever the fuck else! By organizing rallies, rides, and BBQs we aim to ensure that your scooters don't collect too much dust and we do all we can to keep the scooter scene alive 'round these parts. It's no lie that we're inclined toward being more of a classic scooter club with an emphasis on classic Vespas and Lambrettas.
Visit the official Strangebrew Website if you have questions, or events you wish to announce.
Some of us decided it might be a good idea to make a MySpace profile so that we could reach out to as many other scooter clubs and scooter folks as possible. If you're ever in town, be sure to write us an email or drop us a line. Our hospitality is legendary, and we've always got plenty of beer and a couch to crash on for the night!
Now, you might be asking yourself-- "Scooters??" or "Scooter Clubs??" ... If you're interested, you should probably educate yourself elsewhere. The culture is not one that's easily understood by many squarely in the mainstream. You might have been raised around motorbikes your entire life and be under the mistaken impression that anything less than a motorcycle or crotch-rocket is somehow inferior. Believe me, we're perfectly content to let you stay with the "weekend warrior" or "fast-and-furious" herd. The subtleties and rich history of this tradition and culture aren't things that are appreciated by anyone but a very special few. You might be a well-to-do affluent upper middle class type and think "wow, those guys over there look cool, and I can afford a scooter." Owning a scooter doesn't make you a "scooterist," just like owning a motorcycle doesn't make you a "biker." Doesn't mean you can't become a scooterist, rather, it takes more dedication and than is typically convenient for most. You can see that around the world, hundreds of thousands have joined our ranks in scooter clubs spanning the globe. Those who have been truly initiated into this lifestyle seldom abandon it.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Scooterists. Loose women. Whiskey. Friendly bartenders. People who don't suck (you suck.. you just don't know it)

My Blog

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