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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm an indie film producer who operates out of the Southeast. Alright. . . I live in Nashville, TN. However, I can manage your project from the pre-production stage all the way to getting on a shelf. I do music videos, commericials, short films, feature films, and the like. If you're serious, let's talk. However. . . I have never been able to walk on water. Therefore, your budget is going to determine a lot. I also do casting. If you're an actor that is trying to get more exposure, hit me up. If you're a model that wants to transition into the film business, hit me up. I can definitely show you how to make it happen. I also run a multi-media company with America's next mogul, Marquette Trishaun? (Expect my myspace page to be freaked out really soon.) ..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Actors, models, directors of photography, grips, photgraphers, fashion designers, make-up artists, prop people, HIP-HOP ARTISTS THAT ARE SERIOUS ABOUT DOING SOME ACTING, anyone that is interested in doing some serious film stuff. I'm wide open. ..!

My Blog

I Need A Favor

Greetings, fam. As some of you may or may not know . . . I enjoy talking. I love it. Therefore. .. for the last couple of months; I've been co-hosting a radio show on WFSK here in Nashville, TN. (WFSK...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 22:18:00 GMT

Interesting Discussion Piece

Greetings, fam. I wanted to shoot you this blog and see what you thought about it. Please hit me up. Thanks.   When I was in college I wanted to talk to a Meharry girl soooo bad. Man, it would b...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 20:24:00 GMT

The Wire

Alright, people. If you know me at all; then you realize that I send out emails venting about certain things that happen on the planet. VERY RARELY do I offer my opinion about tv, movies, and the like...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 13:39:00 GMT