... is simple!
WOK is straight - no rehearsals - no scedule - no bullshit
90 min concerts without a glue - just go - engine start -
3 buddies - 2 drummer and me as laptopdude
AUDIOBOMBER - if the stage is too small for 2 drumsets or the changeovertimes too tight prefering to play with visuals and totaly freak out while sitting like a buddha i will give you the volle breitseite out of the laderaum!
p.s the recordings in the standaloneplayer are live recordings (2track straight to fucking
please don..t bother me
Saturday, 4th August @ URBAN ART FORMS, Wiesen (A) - MAINSTAGE!
blasting AUDIOBOMBER gigs:
4 aug.2007 urban art forms-wiesen
15 sept.2007 ostende-vienna
17 sept.2007 decadance-st.petersburg
13 okt.2007 stwst-linz
24 nov.2007 backlab-weitersfelden
8.dez.2007 stwst-linz
22.dez.2007 GHhöller-st.peter
4.jän.2008 fm4-la boum de luxe
9.feb.2008 gh zur post-ottensheim
28.feb.2008 jarkarta-indonesien
16.mai.2008 inorr-festival
13.juni.2008 lo cura-ibiza
11.okt.2008 danube rave-linz
9-25.okt.2008 mexico tour cancelled
26.okt.2008 serralves-trama festival-porto
11.dez.2008 tube-club salzburg
20 dez.2008 wuk-wien
23.dez.2008 liveatdot.com-berlin
24.dez.2008 kapu-linz