I LOVE TO EAT!!! dance..oh yeah i can DaNcE!!! haha...hmmm...sleep...yeah basically livin my life in a normal way!!! did i sey I LOVE FOOD! haha!!!!
ReAL pPoz...yAnNoZ...NOt dEm FaKe AsS BioTcHeS nD HoEs !!!....haha oLd nd NeW frEnDs FAMOUS pPo LiKe- AcTrEsSeS, AcToRs, SiNgErS, n RaPpeRs!!!..HeHe I HoPe I GeT 2 MeEt OrLanDo BLoOm!!! XD...haha!
anything..as long as it good to hear...
the GrUdGe, nd ol other movies that i saw wid mah frends
GeNeRaL HoSPiTaL, GrEy'S AnaToMy, LaW & OrDeR: SVU, LaGuNa BeACh, JeOpArDy...hehe YeH I KnO iM a DoRk...BuT i aLsO WaTcH MTV & BET & da DISNEY ChAnNeL...hehe iM A KiD aT HeArT...:-)... bUt DeRe r LoTs MoRe...
No Books 4 me!!!!
MySeLF, FaMiLy, nD mY FrEwDs