We are happy to announce the third Finding Our Roots conference in Chicago, April 24-26th, 2009. This year's topic is space.We are looking for people to help organize the conference.For the last two years we planted seeds of resistance with a conference called Finding Our Roots: An Anarchist Conference on Theory and Action and Anarchist Organizing in the Midwest.What is the purpose of this conference?
“Anarchist Organizing in the Midwest†is the second in a series of conferences beginning two years ago (07) with “Finding Our Roots: An Anarchist Conference on Theory and Action" and (08) Anarchist Organizing in the Midwest.Originally we organized because we had been discouraged by disorganization within our community. We were seeking to create debate by bringing people together. We are encouraged by our success in the last two years in reaching the above goals. We are excited to create a space where like-minded folks can gather new inspiration and make new connections. We do hope this will stay a yearly event.
For more information: (not updated as of 2/17/09)
email [email protected]