♥ Meela [Tequila] ™ ♥ NEW PICS profile picture

♥ Meela [Tequila] ™ ♥ NEW PICS

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey im meela,im a firefighter in afd chyeaa boyyy...i'ma freshman at the college of mount saint vincent and im majoring in business.. i wanna open up my own wedding planning business eventually =]I'M 18!!! finally lol.. cnt wait til im 21 tho haha... I have a boyfriend... sorry fellas, his name is Jared and hes amaziingggg, we annoy eachother everyday buti dnt know what id do without him... i can be really sweet but if u get me mad or i just dnt like u its not pretty...i hate being ignored so don't do it, especially if i know theres something u need to say to me, dnt be pussy n just not answer me, tell me the truth. I'm 100% chilena so i speak spanish and im learning french.. I'm pretty cocky… get over it, I did… I have NO REGRETS…everything I did was something I wanted at some point or other and its not like regretting it is gonna change anything…if u did something stupid or wrong take responsibility for ur actions n deal with the consequences…o yea dnt try to change who I am if u dnt like it too bad… im not changing for ne one but myself..If u dnt like me ok let me know chances are I dnt like u either… there aren't many ppl I like…if I dnt like u its pretty obvious n if u cnt take the hint ur just really slow …if I dnt like u stay away from me…it works out, u dnt like me I dnt like u we stay away from e/o...every1 is happy n I can just go on living my life… im not really into politics but i have really strong feelings on certain subjects such as abortion (totally against it) the death penalty (against that too) and gay rights (i believe love knows no gender... im not gay or bi or transgender but i think everyone has the right to love whoever theyre little heart desires)... btw dnt bring up any of those topics unless u feel like getting into a really heated argument with me or u agree with my position cuz i will do what it takes to get my point across...hmmm... what else.. I LOVEEEE BABIEESSSSS lol... not in a creepy way i just think theyre sooo cute... i prefer little boys tho cuz theyre always cuter =]i would have my own now but i dnt think i should lol... comment my pics n my page n ill return the favor...promise...if u have any questions just comment or message me n ill be happy to answer them.o0o n one last thing.. i may be a really fun person (in more ways than one) but i refuse to be someones booty call so if all ur looking for is ass look somewhere else and dnt waste my time. kthnxx =]
♥ Mint K., Gabby, Nina, Gaby, Nicole, Daniela, Karen, Aeline, Angelique=] C.,Ana,Tiffy,Rena, Jackie, Indira, Marsela♥
â™  Alex (AKA Alito),Dre(AKA Dyablo), Brayden, Bryan, Matthew =>,Miguel,Claudio, Basti, Pablo,Bobby Q., Joe C., Joey C., Ricky T.,Mark C. Don Black, Mark F., Bastian,Danny V., Raul, Mauricio, Christopher,Felipe, Minator â™ 

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

♥ They didn't agree on much in fact they rarely agreed on anything they fought all the time and they challenged eachother everyday but in spite of their differences they had one important thing in common they were crazy about eachother; 11/23/08 ♥my bifferz
♥ mint♥ - my bestest friend in the world…. I love her more than life itself, shes always there for me when I need her. Bifferz 4eva. I love ya babe

♥ al!to♥ aka the love of my life. I love him to death and I would take a bullet for that kid... another person that has always been there when I need him the most. He has such a big heart and he can always make me laugh when I dnt even wanna smile. Te adoro. Muah!
♥ Gabby ♥- My lesbian lover until we find the right guys for us. We havent been freinds for long but i feel like i've known u all my life. u remind me sooo much of me its not even funny. I'm so glad we could put shit behind us and be friends... love ya babe =]♥ Nicole ♥- One of my bestest... i can tell u anything and i know ur gonna understand me and not judge me. Ur the only one that understands the love i have for my babies and ill never forget that u were the only one that didnt judge me when i seemed like a creepo to everyone else. lol..love yaa skankyyy.. btw i still have those shoesss =]♥ Bobby♥ - my asian lover. We’ve been bestfriends since I was pushing u around at natures classroom while we were doin the underground railroad ur always there for me to tlk to u and I dnt kno wut I would do without u. love ya hon. Ur my right boob man .lol.
♥ Patty♥ - my adopted sister… shes at my house more than anyone else and is the only one that has managed to have my mom love her… even after we did a lot of stupid shyt she causes my mom just as much trouble as me n my sisters… but that’s what family’s for haha.
♥ Mark ♥- one of the best friends i could everrr have.. he knows more about me than most people and i can trust him with anything... i would do pretty much anything for this kid... just want whats best for ya bud u knoww that. love ya the ppl im glad to call my family
we fight all the time but in the end we all know how much we love eachother family ♥ My mommy♥♥ my daddy♥♥ mis hermanitas ♥
♥ Miguel ♥ my favorite person in the world aka my cousin.
♥ Claudio♥ my other loverly cousin
♥ Pablo ♥ my other cousin… love him to death.

My Blog

signs ive made *comment if u use them*

Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 06:26:00 GMT

Photography *comment if u use any*

..http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h96/ILUVTOBY/GREG/4q4peh 4.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">..http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h96/ILUVTOBY/GREG/4lpxgs 5.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Vid...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 06:13:00 GMT

do this for me babies... ill love u 4eva

WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF:» I died from natural causes:» I said I liked you:» I kissed you:» I lived next door to you:» I started smoking:» I stole something:» I was hospitalized:» I ran away from home:» I...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 06:47:00 GMT

guys only.. check it out

1. Your Full Name: 2. Age: 3. Single or Taken: 4. Favorite Movie: 5. Favorite Song: 6. Would you ever go out with me? 7. Do you want to kiss me? 8. Would you let me kiss you? 9. Do we know each other...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 19:34:00 GMT

Awsome Quotes!

Love Means... (a girl and guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle) Girl: Slow down. Im scared. Guy: No this is fun. Girl: No its not. Please, its to scary! Guy: Then tell me you love me. Gir...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 13:08:00 GMT

whore/ supprt code requests

Whore code/ supprt code  request rules: 1. fill out all the questions in the form 2.u must support/ whore me support code #1 ADD PEBBLES!!..http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n217/Zoooom_It s_P...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 11:49:00 GMT

Sign requests <3

Sign request rules: 1.. fill out all the questions in the form 2.u must support/ whore me support code #1 ADD PEBBLES!!..http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n217/Zoooom_It s_Paige/pebbles.png" alt="P...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 00:48:00 GMT