You...as long as your not crazy...
SNL Frank & Stevie - Ebony & Ivory - The most amazing bloopers are here
anything except paul wall. I also tend to turn into robert goulet after throwing back a few.
i like guy movies, and i toletate a few chick flicks. I don't like Barbra Streisand or Micheal Moore (idk, this just had to be said). And if you did not see Rocky Balboa then i suggest you do. i consider it very good closure the the Rocky series.
Law & Order: SVU (Criminal Intent sucks), Seinfeld, Family Guy. I recently started watching 24 and i'm addicted to it now. I wish i was Jack Bauer. Strippers tip Jack Bauer. Jack Bauer can get McDonald's breakfast after 10:30. Jack Bauer once double teamed a girl.. by himself.