For you I would
Bleed myself dry
I am from Indiana. I love music and going to concerts. My favorite band ever is Sevendust. I love my friends! I am a very caring and sensitive person. Probably too sensitive! lol I get my feelings hurt very easily.I am a vegetarian and I love animals! I hate liars and backstabbers. I hate people who are mean and Judge people on looks, disabilities, ect. I think every person has something special to offer, and you can learn alot from people. I know, I hate when people judge me from first glance, without trying to get to know what I am about. I am a very strong person, and have dealt with alot in my life. From a lot of loss, especially people I loved, to surviving an abusive relationship in the past and getting myself out of the situation. I came really close to dying a few months back, from low Potassium. I had a hard time dealing with loosing my Grandmother back in April. I have dealt alot with Depression and Panic Attacks. I learn everyday how to control these problems, and I must say, It's been a long hard road but, I am surviving them. Not really much else, I can say about myself.