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I could type loads here but can't be arsed so i'm just gonna say...anything good.
Too many to list... The Usual Suspects, Seven, Donnie Darko and Goodfellas are ace though. Also, who can forget Hackers and Crank?I loved all the Bond films too until Casino Royale which is quite easily the shittest Bond film ever made as for me it ruined James Bond as a character due to him being so horrifically bad at Poker. Seriously, what kind of retard would decide to make Casino Royale with no knowledge of Poker? I'd rant about this more but it's just myspace and noone cares. I just hope that Daniel Craig and everyone involved in making that film dies in a excruciatingly painful way.
Comedy such as South Park, Family Guy, Simpsons and so on... American Dad was pretty good too. The Office, Peep Show, The IT Crowd, Alan Partridge, Flight of the Chonchords. Older stuff like The fast show and Adam & Joe show.Don't really watch TV for anything other than comedy as I don't watch much these days, I also watch the news a fair amount I guess.
Not read much of interest recently to be honest, although I read quite a bit of Sitchin's books on the origin of man which was rather interesting albeit probably a load of shite :)
Matthew Bellamy, Tom Morello, Jimi Hendrix, Josh Homme, Dave Grohl, Gareth Barry, Jack Bauer.