I started listening to rock bands since i was seven. Yea that was a long time ago and the first band that really made me play the guitar was Green Day. Billie Joe Armstrong, is still my idol. the first time i held the guitar, when i was eight. i dont even know a single thing (obviously) and i just strummed and pressed the strings while songs were played. till a cousin of mine came over to my house and taught me the bar chords and everything.
As you can see, i just started using Myspace Music. cos i thought doing music and keeping them in iTunes is like, keeping all my efforts inside a tiny little box and not letting anyone see. yea man. so i decided to just let everyone listens to them and leave comments.
Being in a band is always different and you always wanted to try new stuff. So this is what i do to make myself feel better. check my band out as well. www.myspace.com/summersover.