I'm Martha Roberta Marie Luboch
I'm getting ready to graduate next year from Stony Brook University
I'm majoring in Poli Sci
Aspire to go to law school
I love fashion
Handbags, skinny jeans, and shoes are my addiction
I live on Starbucks, honestly
I'm pretty much outgoing, unless I don't like you
And if that's the case, you'll know it
I love my family and friends
I'm a Long Island Girl
I believe that, everything happens in a circle
I work at Poppy Luncheonette, and I have been for the past 8 years
I recently considered being a writer/journalist
I love philosophy, Andy Warhol is THE MAN
I've come to appreciate Art more than ever before
Most would say i'm a bitch, probably because I make fun of every single person I come in contact with
I generally don't eat meta other than chicken and ham
Mmmm but I love vegetables
Catch me if you can, i'm freefallin'