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ADDWRITECOMMENTWelcome to the Strange Pets myspace. Strange Pets is an exotic pet shop opened in January 2008. We specialize in exotics such as reptiles, Amphibians, Insects, Arachnids, Mammals and Insects. On this page you can see our up to date stock/price list. If we dont have it in store we can order it in for you just ask.
African Pygmy Hedgehog - Apricot/Tangerine £350 each
Lesser Tenrecs Unsexed Juvenilles £300 each
Ferrets Sandy/Polecats/ White Female £30.00
Ferrets Silver Mitts £60
Ferrets White Males £20
Baby Ferrets £100 each
New Zealand White Giant Rabbit £22
Californian Giant Rabbit £22
Continental Giants £90
Lionhead Lop £30
Chipmunks Males - £50Females £60
White Chipmunks Males £120ea Females - £130 ea
Blue Degus Males £50 Females £60
African Dwarf Doormice £50 each
Fruit Bats £400 pair
Coatimunda babies £2000 pair
Sugar Gliders REDUCED! Males £150 ea Females £300 ea or £400 a pair
Sugar Gliders babies - £300
13 Lined Squirrels REDUCED! £150 each
White Naped Squirrel £400 pair
White Bellied Squirrel £600 pair
Crested Tailed Porcupine 1 Pair £2000
Meerkats £900
Standard Fancy Rats £5
Rex Coat Fancy Rats £9
Dumbo Rats £10
Blue Dumbo Rats £15 - Males
Hairless Rats £20
Striped Grass Mice £20
Spiny Mice £20
Golden Winter Whites £8
Black Winter Whites £15
Shaws Jirds Females £30 Males £25
Siamese Mice Males £5
Peruvian Mice Males £20 Females £30
Longhaired Mice £5
Guinea Pigs £15
Tufty Guinea Pigs £25
Water Dragons £40
Mountain Horn Dragon £30
Vietnamese Calote £28
Flying Dragon £20
Bearded Dragon Babies £55
Brown Tree Climber Lizard £40
Green Anole £15
Cuban Night Anole £30
Green Plumed Basilisk £60
Green Spiny Tailed Iguana £50
Atlantic Club Tail Iguana £50
Western Fence Lizard £20
Nidua-Bow Fingered Lizard £15
Percivals Legless Lizard £40
Guenthers Ocellated Skink £20
Golden Ocellated Lizard £20
Dwarf Sungazer Adults £35
Dwarf Sungazer Babies £25
Berber Skink £30
Yellow-striped Plated Lizard £30
Black Lined Plated Lizard £30
Tawny Plated Lizard £40
Blue Tongued Skink £140
Madagascar Four-lined Plated Lizard £80
Madagascar Plated Lizard £70
Water Dragons £40
Mountain Horn Dragon £30
Vietnamese Calote £28
Flying Dragon £20
Bearded Dragon Babies £55
Brown Tree Climber Lizard £40
Green Anole £15
Cuban Night Anole £30
Green Plumed Basilisk £60
Green Spiny Tailed Iguana £50
Atlantic Club Tail Iguana £50
Western Fence Lizard £20
Nidua-Bow Fingered Lizard £15
Percivals Legless Lizard £40
Guenthers Ocellated Skink £20
Golden Ocellated Lizard £20
Dwarf Sungazer Adults £35
Dwarf Sungazer Babies £25
Berber Skink £30
Yellow-striped Plated Lizard £30
Black Lined Plated Lizard £30
Tawny Plated Lizard £40
Blue Tongued Skink £140
Madagascar Four-lined Plated Lizard £80
Madagascar Plated Lizard £70
Striped Fat Tail Geckos Adult £40
Taylor's Walking Gecko £90
Tokay Gecko £20
Marble Gecko £17
Golden Gecko £15
Arabian Diamond Gecko £10
Bibron's Gecko £15
Madagascan Big Head Gecko £47
Fairy Gecko £20
Central American Banded Gecko £37
Leopard Gecko Albino babies £45
Leopard Gecko "Blizzard" sub-adult £80
Leopard Gecko Designer babies £45
Leopard Gecko Designer Grown ons £55
Leopard Gecko Normal babies £35
Leopard Gecko Albino Chocolate Babies £80
Leopard Gecko Albino Chocolate Grown on £90
Leopard Gecko Mack Snow £120
Leopard Gecko Blizzard adults £100
Leopard Gecko "Normal/Hypo" adults £65
Leopard Gecko "Designer/Albino" adults £120
Corn Snakes
Amelanistic CB2007 £50
Amelanistic Motley CB2007 £60
Amelanistic Okeetee CB2007 £45
Amelanistic Reverse Okeetee CB2007 £75
Anerythristic / Black CB2007 £50
Charcoal CB2007 £97
Bloodred het Hypo CB 2007 £159
Butter CB 2007 £80
Butter possibly het for stripe CB07 £139
Blizzard CB07 £120
Blood CB07 £120
Caramel CB2007 £80
Creamsicle CB2007 £80
Creamsicle striped CB2007 £160
Hypo Striped CB2007 £150
Hypo CB2007 £60
Carolina CB Adults £80
Carolina CB2007 £60
Striped CB 2007 £95
Ghost CB2007 £70
Ghost Striped (Motley) CB2007 £119
Lavender CB 2007 £150
Miami CB 2007 £60
Okeetee CB 2007 £60
Silver Queen CB 2007 £119
Snow CB2007 £60
Snow Coral CB2007 £140
Sunglow CB2007 £90
Snow Striped CB2007 £119
Amber Rootbeer CB2007 £139
Caramel Rootbeer CB2007 £92
Hypo Rootbeer CB2007 £90
Rat Snakes
Albino Radiated CB2007 £140
Radiated CB2007 £70
Trans Pecos CB 2007 £195
King and Milk Snakes
California Kingsnake Albino abbarant CB 2007 £90
California Kingsnake Albino Banded CB 2007 £90
California Kingsnake Desert Aberrant CB 2007 £70
California Kingsnake Desert Striped CB 2007 £70
Californian Kingsnake Lavender Ruby Eye CB2007 £160
Mexican Black Kingsnake CB2007 £95
Mexican Milksnakes CB2007 £119
Pueblan Milksnake CB 2007 £80
Albino Nelson Milksnake CB2007 £170
Hi-Orange Albino Nelsons Milksnake CB2007 £240
Sinaloan Milksnake CB 2007 £80
Arizona Mountain Kingsnakes CB2007 £180
Thayers Milk snake CB2007 £160
Hypo Tangerine Honduran Milk snake CB2007 £295
Other Snakes
Mexican Hognose Snake CB 2007 £170
Common / Brown African House Snake M-L £50
Adult Male Royal Python £90
Albino Horned Frog £40
Horned Frog £36
Fire Belly Toads £10
Nicaraguan Red Eyed Tree Frog £60
Red Eyed Tree Frog £46
Solomon Island Eyelash Frog £75
Albino Pacman Frog £45
Brown Pacman Frog £40
Green Pacman Frog £40
Tomato Frog £37
Green Treefrog £13
African Reed Frog (Assorted Species) £13
African Giant Bullfrog £40
Dwarf Bullfrogs £30
Java Green Flying Tree Frogs £60
Giant Black Golden Eye Toad £45
Texas Green Toad £17
Cane Toad (Florida Goldens) £40
Black-spined Toad £13
European Green Toad £17
Indonesian Dwarf Homed Frog £60
Texas Barred Salamander £29.95
Japanese Sword Tail Newt £9.99
Spotted Paddle-tailed Newt £29.95
Alpine Newt £9.99
Mandarin Newt £42.95
Chelonia, Arachninds and Invertebrate
Herman Tortoise 2006 £130
Herman Tortoise 2004 £150
Leopard Tortoise 2005 £130
Horsefield Tortoise 2006 £120
Red Bellied Turtles Babies £15
Peninsula cooters turtles Babies £15
Yellow Bellied Turtles £17
Spiny Softshell Turtle babies £16
Map Turtle babies £20
Ouchita Map Turtle babies £20
Map Turtle babies £20
Map Turtle babies £20
Map Turtle sub Adult £26
Cagles Map Turtle babies £20
White-cheeked Mud Turtle 10 cm £40
Musk Turtle, young adults £30
European Stripe-necked Turtle £40
Chinese Soft Shelled Turtle Adult £30
Tarantula and Other Spiders
Horn Baboon Tarantula £36
Pink Toe Tarantula £20
King Baboon Tarantula £45
Red Leg Tarantula £56
Chile Rose Tarantula £15.50
Salmon Pink Bird Eater Tarantula £55
Giant White Knee Tarantula £50
Guyana Pink-toe Tarantula £20
King Baboon Tarantula £55
Belize Cinnamon Tarantula £35
Costa Rican Tiger-rump Tarantula £35
Thicklegged / Stoutlegged Tarantula £20
Dwarf Chille Rose Tarantula £25
Chilean Red Tarantula £30
Cobalt Blue Tarantula £40
Sri Lankan Ornamental Tarantula £40
Usambara Starburst Tarantula £20
Red Trapdoor Spider £20
Black Trapdoor Spider £26
Emperor Scorpions £15.50
Desert Hairy Scorpions £30
Thai Black Scorpions £15.50
South-American Scorpion £20
Chilean Red Scorpion £20
Yellow-banded Flat Rock Scorpion £25
Yellow-banded Flat Rock Scorpion £30
Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion £35
Asian Black Scorpion £20
Golden Large-clawed Scorpion £20
Brown Large-clawed Scorpion £30
Zebra Finch Males - £7 Females - £15
Exhibition £25 pair
Hecks Grass Finch £40
Masked Grass Finch £50
Parson Finch £50
Bengalese finch £9
White Breasted Gouldian £125/pair
Siskin £110/Pair
Red Polls £110/Pair
Java Sparrows Normals £20
Java Sparrows Fawn / Silver £30
Star Finch Red/Yellow £40
Cherry Finch £50
Cut Throats £125/Pair
Bicheno’s £50
Diamond Song Sparrow £50
Silverbills - Close Rung Chocolate + Fawn £40
Green Finch Pair £60
Pheo House Sparrows Pair £160
Green £20
Yellow/Variegated £26
White £32
Intensive Red £32
Bronze/Varigated £30
Corona's £18.00 Ino's £32
Red Agate £30
Cinnamon £25
Red Pennant £110
Blue Pennant £120
Lutino Kakariki £60
Green Kakariki £36
Pied Kakariki £50
Masked Lovebirds £36
Peachfaced Lovebirds £36
Lutino Peach Faced Lovebirds £36
Fischers Lovebird £36
Pied Peachfaced lovebirds £50
Lacewing Lovebirds £40
Barraband £110
Lineolated Green £36 Blue or Lutino £70
Red Rump £36
Red Rump Lutino / Pied £50
Ring Neck Lutino Or Cinnamon £100
Ring Neck Silver £100
Ring Neck Green £60
Golden Mantell Rosella £70
Lutino/Rubino Rossella £100
Stanley Rossella £90
Red Golden Mantell Rosella £80
Green Cheeked Conure £350 a pair
African Greys Sexed Pair £1500 a pair
Jenday Conures Unsexed £260
Turqusines £100
Rosa Bourkes £50
Prince Of Wales £240 a pair
Hand Reared
African Grey E.B £1100
Blue fronted Amazons £1000
Orange Winged Amazons £850
Rose Crowned Conure 2008 Birds - Ready Now £400
Yellow Sided Conure 2008 Birds - Ready Mid/End Feb £400
Blue green cheeked conure 2008 Birds - Ready Mid/End Feb £400
Green Cheeked Conure 2008 Birds - Ready Mid/End Feb £300
Galah £1500
Other Birds
Bob White Quail £50/pair
Chinese Painted Quail £15/pair
Californian Quail £70/pair
Chinese Painted Quail Pied £30pair
White Garden Doves £15
Mexican Speckled Quail - Normal £50pr Grey - £60pr
Baby Budgies £18
Diamond Doves Normals £15
Diamond Dove - White Rump/Silver £20
Java Doves - White £30
Baby Rainbow Budgies £19
Adult Budgies £16
Poultry and Ducks
Pure Breeds
Black Pekin Females £50
Buff Pekin Males £15 Females £50
Salmon Faverolle Females £50
Partridge Wyandotte Females £30 Males - £10
Old Dutch Females £25 Males - £10
Hybreds - All Females
Speckledy POL - F £25
Black Rocks POL - F £24
Barnevelder POL - F £32
Isa Brown POL - F £15
Redco POL - F £20
Lady Amhurst 2007 £80 Pair
Peafowl also available Indian Blue £100 Pair
Reeves 2007 £80 Pair
Golden Pheasant 2007 £80 Pair
Mandarins 2007 £90 a Pair
Carolina's £90 a pair
Call Ducks £60.00/pair
Red Crested Pochard £90.00 a pair
Blonde Red Crested Pochard £90.00 a pair
Marbled Teal £90.00 a pair
Brazilian Teal £90.00 a pair
Green Winged Teal £90.00 a pair
Ringed Teal £90 a pair