I HAVE AN ALL NEW WEBSITE!!! www.kiss-photography.co.uk
GO SEE IT!!!!!
Check out my website thingy I have been working on... It has samples of my photography, modelling and poetry on it as well as other random stuff!!
Feel free to leave me a comment or a review.
I have recently changed my "company name" to Kiss Photography and since you cant change the URL thingy on here its gonna have to stay as is...!
I have a little website at www.sassandkissphotography.co.uk that is where you will find my booking form. It also has a few pictures on there so take a look.
Hi there, my name is Kim.
I would like to call myself a photographer! I wish I was...! It is a hobby of mine but I believe I am rather good at it, therefore I thought I would create myself a photography myspace!
I also have a personal Myspace account. Click on the picture below:
See examples of my work in my picture gallery... A lot of my pictures don't quite "make the grade"!
In the summer of 2007 I will be hanging my photography in Putney Library where you can view/buy/comment it.
Any queries regarding my work or anything else, please email me [email protected]
Please feel free to leave me comments... I reply to them all...USUALLY!