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About Me

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Hello and thank you for stopping by the Myspace page that I have been working on. One of the hobbies I enjoy the most is Ham or Amateur Radio. I was first licensed at the age of 13 in 1978 after passing the Novice exam. In 1978 the procedure for the Novice exam was to find one licensed Ham Operator who held a General class license or higher. When you were ready to take the exam the volunteer examiner would write to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and request that a Novice exam package be sent to him/her. The Morse code test that was required was to demonstrate that you could both send and receive five (5) words per minute. The examiner would send five minutes of text to you and you were required to receive a minimum of one (1) minute with no mistakes. Once you passed the receiving exam you were then required to send approx five minutes of text to the examiner. After you passed both the send and receive test the examiner would open the envelope that held in it your written test. I honestly do not remember how many questions were on the exam but once you were finished you and the volunteer examiner would complete the application (form 610 then) and send it back to the FCC. Back then the tests were graded by the FCC and not the volunteer examiner, the examiner would verify that the applicant had passed the code test and forwarded everything to be graded and processed. After about two months of waiting to hear if I had passed or failed, one Saturday afternoon I received something in the mail from the FCC. I opened it up and there it was, my Amateur Radio license issued by the FCC with my original callsign WD2AHD. When I received my license I did not have any ham radio equipment or an antenna to operate with. After several weeks of shopping and doing research on HF radio's and antenna's my parents helped me pay for the difference of what the equipment cost and what I had saved from my paper route. I can still remember my first QSO, it was somewhere on the 80 meter Novice sub-band which at the time was 3.700 to 3.750 MHz. My first contact was with WB2SIE who was located in Rahway, NJ just a few towns over from Woodbridge, NJ where I lived. I have to admit that I was shaking in my shoes making that first contact but as I look back on that day I think every new Novice was probably feeling exactly what I was feeling that day. During the years to follow I was primarily active on both 40 and 15 meters, my first "DX" contact was to what is now known as Panama. Back then it was called the "Canal Zone" and the prefix was "KZ5", in fact I had made several contacts with the Canal Zone and still have the QSL cards with the prefix KZ5. Actually I was lucky to be getting in to Ham Radio during the time I did as it was during the peak of the sunspot cycle. I can remember many nights operating on 40 meters until 3am and a majority of my contacts for the ARRL award for Worked All States were made on 40 meter CW. To this day I enjoy operating on 40 meters both SSB and CW.
Now I spend my days as an internet/ham radio junkie. I am an Administrator and Editor for and Webmaster/Owner of
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My Interests

My humble station is located in Montclair, New Jersey (FN20vt) which is approx 15 miles West of Midtown Manhattan.

For those interested in smaller details; my station is in Essex County.

My grid locator is FN20vt

Here is a listing of bands/modes that I currently operate:

160: None
80: SSB/CW
60: None
40: SSB/CW/PSK31
30: None
20: SSB/CW/PSK31
17: SSB/CW
15: SSB/CW
12: SSB/CW
10: None
1.25: FM
70cm: SSB/CW/FM

Anything above 70cm (440-450 MHz) I do not have any equipment for and do not operate.

My current station as small as it is consists of the following equipment:

Kenwood TS2000 with Heil Goldline GM-4 Microphone

Heath HW-9 (HF-QRP)

Kenwood TM-731A Dual band mobile (2 meter & 440)

Yaesu FT90R Dual band mobile (2 meter & 440)

Yaesu FT50R Dual band HT
(2 meter & 440)

Alinco DJ-296T (1.25 meters)

Antennas are simple and few

Home built Doublet, basically it is an 80 meter dipole that is fed with 450 ohm ladder line. It can be tuned to work on all bands from 80 - 10 meters.

Cushcraft ARX2B - Ringo Ranger for 2 meters

2 meter Halo

Cushcraft 13B2 (13 elements - 15.8db gain)

Cushcraft A4496S (6 elements - 10db gain)

Larsen dual band magnet mount mobile (2 meter & 440)

Over the years I used to be a "Paper Chaser" which basically boils down to collecting QSL cards and going after different awards. With the price of snail mail these days I don't bother with chasing anything particular. Even though I have a few awards I know what I have worked and that is good enough for me. Years ago they did away with the requirement of keeping a paper log out of habit I still keep one. Partially because I'm just used to keeping one and also I can keep track of how many countries, states, counties and grid squares I have worked and on which bands/modes I worked them. Also, when I receive a QSL card and intend to send one back I want to be sure that I actually worked that particular station.

These are some of the awards I managed to get in my days of chasing paper.

Worked All Continents (WAC)

Worked All States (WAS)

DX Century Club (DXCC)
182 Countries Submitted to ARRL
227 Countries Confirmed

All awards and contacts were done operating at 100 Watts or less with either a Doublet or a ground mounted HF Vertical Antenna. I have never owned nor will I ever own an HF amplifier, I enjoy working DX stations running barefoot.

I am also the QSL Manager for the following stations:

UK8OA: Vartan from Namangan, Uzbekistan
CO2OT: Oscar from La Habana, Cuba

To confirm your QSO with one of these stations please follow these instructions.

USA Stations - Send Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE)

NON USA Stations - Send Self Addressed Envelope (SAE) with one of the following:

One ($1) US Dollar

One(1) International Reply Coupons. All coupons must be the new type and stamped in the appropriate area.

I do NOT accept foreign stamps or currency. Cards received with insufficient or no postage will be sent out via the Bureau.

If you are a DX station who needs a stateside QSL Manager I can accept a few more stations. I provide QSL cards at no cost to you so if you are interested please email me with any questions you may have.

I'd like to meet:

Other ham radio operators for on the air QSO's.

Some of my upcomming projects include but are not limited to:

I have been primarily an HF operator over the 3 decades that I have been a ham, my favorite mode has always been CW. Recently I have become interested in operating 2 meter weak signal and I am planning what types of antenna's I want to put up this spring. I recently borrowed a 2 meter yagi for the ARRL June VHF QSO party, unfortunately I could not get my 432 antenna working. I recently purchased a Cushcraft - 13B2 .... 144 MHz monoband w/13 elements, as soon as it arrives I will be busy getting it up in the air.

I do have a 9 element yagi for 432 MHz and my first contact with 50 watts was to a station roughly 100 miles Northeast of me. I didn't think it was possible since I am currently using RG8X coax for all my antennas. Once I decide and buy a 2 meter antenna I will be switching coax to LMR400 & 9913 that I recently purchased. The LMR400 will run from the rig to the base of the roof mount. From there I will run the 9913 from that point to the antennas feed point. The calculated feedline loss between the 9913 & LMR400 and the currently RG8X in use is astronomical. I should see a 100% improvement in my signal and hope to have everything set up before the CQ WW contest later in July.

I took down my HF antenna a few weeks ago and now I have found a better way to mount it that should improve things. Once I get the VHF/UHF stuff all squared away I will put my HF antenna back up and will be active on my 2 favorite bands, 20 & 40 meters.

VHF Aurora : 144 MHz Es in EU : 144 MHz Es in NA :
From The DXrobot


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My Blog

Station Update

Well I am happy to say that I finally purchased a Yaesu FL2100B HF amp which is my very first amp ever in the 30 years I have been in the hobby. I also got my hands on a Dentron MT2000 HF antenna tune...
Posted by WS2L on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:52:00 PST

Is this a dream come true ?

Yesterday morning I was running some errands down in the area I last lived at (Carteret, NJ). Since I borrowed my daughters camera for when I went down to Florida to see some Rush concerts I figured I...
Posted by WS2L on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 06:37:00 PST

This Sux

Ok today is supposed to be a descent day out, a perfect day to put up antennas. I have been waiting for a day like today for weeks and wouldn’t you know it no one is available to help me do the ...
Posted by WS2L on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 06:33:00 PST

Just another day

Last night I received a phone call from a good ham buddy of mine. His Father fell and broke his hip, to make matters worse he also had a heart attack and suffers from Congestive Heart Failure (Fluid i...
Posted by WS2L on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 03:46:00 PST


Well now that I am getting settled into my new QTH I am waiting for some nice days to get my antennas up. At my last QTH my antenna height was only about 45' ASL but the new QTH will bring me to rough...
Posted by WS2L on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 06:02:00 PST

Beware of Bank of Americas practices

If you have a checking/Savings account with Bank of America (BOA) do yourself a favor and close it ASAP and move it to another bank. On 2/29/08 I was trying to pay my bill for my server space for...
Posted by WS2L on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 02:25:00 PST

Radioshack Sucks

 I have been forgetting to let everyone know that I own and operate a website called Radioshack Sucks. If you have ever worked for them you will understand why they suck so bad.There is an Injunc...
Posted by WS2L on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 02:33:00 PST

Is it Spring already ?

I have to admit that I pretty much did nothing this past winter with the exception of a few things. On March 1, 2007 with the help of 2 good friends we were able to get the website...
Posted by WS2L on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 07:53:00 PST