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"I believe that everything you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that's bad, I'm going to suffer for it. But in my heart, I believe what I'm doing is right. So I feel like I'm going to heaven." Tupac ShakurAbout me? Where to start. I have a way with words on paper, but get tongue tied when I see a pretty face. I've been through a LOT of shit, and came out looking good.(Didn't smell too good though) I'm a survivor, a fighter when I have too, with a heart that should be black after all the times it's been bruised, the times I've been betrayed, yet it's bigger than ever. I live for myself, my family, my friends, and I'd die for them too. Anything else you wanna know, just ask.California is trying to pass Legislation to Exterminate all PITS. We need to get the word out before they do it and then there will be nothing we can do about it. There are more attacks on people by Dalmations, Chows, and Rockweilers than by Pits. Yet Pits are more FEARED? Which one will they exterminate next? Which State will Exterminate the Pits next. The people need to rise up and REMIND our LEGISLATORS this is still supposed to be a FREE country. Most Dog attacks are the fault of an IRRESPONSIBLE owner, NOT THE DOG. Yes, its in some pits blood to fight. And when some owner leaves his own 10 month old baby in a room with 4 of those GAME BREAD DOGS he just took off chains in the back yard, which make them more vicous, and leaves the baby alone for 10 to 15 minutes in the room with the dogs, that makes it the DOGS FAULT? I say charge the OWNER with Incompetent Manslaughter(The right term doesn't come to mind at this time)If something should be EXTERMINATED, let it be the owner. If people would be more responsible with all types of BIGGER DOGS we wouldn't have as many attacks.There, I've said MY PEICE, now it's up to everyone else to spread the news BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. They'll have to KILL ME BEFORE THEY KILL MY DOG."It ain't easy being me, will I see the penetentiary or will I stay free" By Tupac. This quote more represents my past, but my life's always a constant struggle, nah, it's a damn battle just to survive. But I'm still here, still breathin and I will make it. Against all odds. Denny will go to jail for ...
Making sweet love to a religious symbol
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
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