Carrie Sneed... A name that will forever be heard and people will say... I think I knew her. Then after a while they will be sitting in their living room talking to their family and some silly commercial will come on with some character with funny hair and funny clothes yelling and dancing around and then that person will think, O yeah! It was THAT girl! She was silly. :]It's true. I'm a silly person. I enjoy life and I have a ton of fun just being who I am and doing what I do.Who am I?
Let me answer you.I'm Carrie. I'm 18. And I'm a Christian.What do I do?
Let me answer you.I am a... singer? songwriter? and for lack of a better word... and Evangelist.What a serious word. haha
I'll explain. I have a calling. I travel and sing and tell people about Jesus :]
He is a really cool guy. He has done alot for me. I enjoy telling my story and telling people that they can start their own story.I enjoy what I do and I hope that God will allow me to do it for the rest of my life. However long that might be. Right now I'm doing what I can for him. And hoping that I'm making him proud. Don't get me wrong. I was once that confused high school kid just like some of you. But once I founf that backpack full of trust and courage, I was set. Life became easier to live. Hard times just didnt seem so hard anymore. Now now now that doesnt mean things are just dandy and candy. But I have a friend who is always ready to listen :]I enjoy life. I enjoy my salvation. I enjoy my God.What am I doing now?
Right now we are working on a brand new CD! yay :]Right now we are also planning the summer tour! yay :]
I would love to come and see you all and tell you a little bit about how I got from where I was to where I am... and Even More about who got me here!So message Me! Or gimme a call! You might just catch my mom or even my dad. Don't worry. They can help you too! So just let us know where you're at and when you wanna have me come and do what it is that I do!
number/ [423]506-1516 OR if your more technologically capable you can email us at [email protected]&jesus