SARAHLEE profile picture


About Me

We are SARAHLEE , not to be confused with the makers of tasty foods, SARALEE.Of course we consist of only two people--SARAH and LEE. SARAH ((aka wenchie)) is a very experienced pianist and vocalist, with added experience in strings, random other intruments, and has the art of music writing down to near perfection.LEE ((aka parrot)) is a highly skilled trumpeteer, with added experience in woodwinds, piano, percussion, bass, vocals and has live recording down to an art.

My Interests


Member Since: 24/01/2007
Band Members: Sarah R. and Lee D.
Sounds Like: random stuff that you can only find in the imagination of a crazy person.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

About lee's song "Wenchie Meets Jake's Mom"

haha.wenchie won a facial.found out it was being done by my twin jake's mom.its a small world, right wench?hence why... this song is really "its a small world" XD
Posted by on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 08:10:00 GMT