<rOnesiiA> profile picture


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About Me

..well well..high skoo is over...summer brought me beef and brought me smiles..summer alsoo gaave me chaance to realize how amazing a certain individual is to me...stuck with and was my backbone..held me down..kept me up..when shit appeared..we scooped it and let it ride..and put it behind us..i love u for it.. now college begins and im excited but yet sad..i dont want to lose who has become a rather special individual in my life..i kno ull always b there..u've told me time before.. i jus pray its not n vain.. well enuff said and done...skoo starts soon..and thru it all we'll stick it out!!...i love u!

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mE n thE gURliEs..saY mY naME>

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mY sistErs..love yall

kEke...mY reAl sisTa! my lil niGGa! hoL it dwn sEnioR!! [n miDDle skOOl] i loVE my babY!janAi- ..[[buTTerfiNger]].aMc oN deCC!!!...guH u alReADy kNo....aiNt no frienDs rouNd hEre...we sistAS!! no douB...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 11:55:00 GMT

cudnT aSk foR bEttER fRienDS! boYS:

mY bOys...mY tY...oH mY goD...i so dOnt kNo whEre to stART! mAn i loVe u sO much...my bOO anD bestFrienD eveR..hahahaha....woRds cAnt expRess!! i loVe u bOO!jo-.....ooooH wEE!!!  u kNO u gEt oN my laS...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 20:18:00 GMT