Tenets of Somme Ones:Rock and roll is becoming an antiquated mode of expression. Where once it stood for something beyond definition, it now sits in the dictionary for time immemorial collecting its vernacular weight in gold. Somme Ones re-present the short nights of teenage rebellion with a mien outside of the r'n'r canon, though we retain a certain confidence in rock and roll’s ability to inspire and question the conventional pockets of truth and knowledge.Much of our stimuli has been and continues to be precipitated using the eternal themes of sex and death. These are the only two assured universal laws of existence; all else can be seen as superficial and detrimental to our understanding of the world. In neanderthalic terms, the fuck and the fall reign supreme.We are currently looking for shows from May onwards and are planning to tour this summer, your help in these areas would be greatly appreciated:• Food
• Alcohol
• Girls.
• (Always girls.)