is what i was born as. I was born in Newark, New Jersey on the 6th of August 1991. Then i moved to Irvington, New Jersey and stayed there for most of my childhood. When i was 7, i moved to Atlanta for two years and then moved back to Irvington. At the age of 13, i then moved to VA. And Now i LiVe iN New JeRseY, BuH GoiN 2 aTLaNTa is The NexT MoVeMy Story
Growing up, my mom loved playing jazz, blues, hip-hop, soul, r&b, and reciting poetry. I loved it. My love for music became so strong at a young age that i soon started writing my own. My first poem was when i was 8 going on 9 ("What if i die now"), i wrote it out of anger and realized it calmed me down to the point i forgot what i was mad about. After that i made poetry and writing apart of my daily life. Then i started doing plays and fashion shows (locally & at school). These things were my life and the only things i felt i was good at doing.I had then opened my eyes to my talent of rapping(10yrs) when i wrote my first song 2 days after Christmas in my grandmother's kitchen. I rapped it to my mom and she said it was nice but that didn't satisfy me, so i quit and stuck to acting and modeling.
At 13 my grandfather passed away a day before New years eve. It was devistating but i knew it was coming because he always said to me, "You better put God first because ya grandaddy ain't gon be here for that much longer and i wanna see you in heaven."
Because of that i wrote my first rap song and it was dedicated to him. I named it "The Randall Family (dear grandad)."
My Journey
Has been rough but i took my grandfather's advice and put God first. And because of that i don't regret a second of my hardships or even my optimistic moments because i have grown.......and still growing.......still.I have came across and over alot of people that try and bring me down constantly, but those are people i don't surround myself around anymore. And my journey hasn't just begun, it's been going, and continues....... <" alt="MySpace Layouts" title="Myspace Layouts" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;">