My wife and daughter, and son on the way... Mountain biking... Cooking...
someone to pay for the skatepark membership... and someone to take me to the hospital when I crash...
Anything but country. I like house, breaks, metal, hardcore, funk, the 70's were really cool... Pretty much anything but country.
Pulp Fiction, Full Metal Jacket, The Matrix, Killing Zoe, Fight Club, Reservoir Dogs, Star Wars films, Dune, Lord of the Rings trilogy, True Romance, Seven, American Beauty, Step into Liquid...
Reality Television sucks and rots the brain... Actually all television sucks...
Books by Chuck Palahnuik, Steven King, Clive Barker, Allan Watts, Joseph Campbell, Cormac Macarthy, Frank Herbert, Piers Anthony, Arthur C. Clark, Issac Asimov, Tolkien... love to read...
Christ, Buddha, Roland Deschain, Steven Hawking, Timothy Leary, Tony Hawk, Steve Caballero, Bob Marley, Cliff Burton...