Bortsch was performed in its first version by Cloud Dance Cie at Chisenhale Dance Space on 24th of June 2007 as a work in progress under the name "How I survived Borscht".
It deed involve Beetroot and Onions.
It was intially performed with 10 dancers.
The second version will be performed with 5 dancers on 27th of April at Newington Dance Space "Work in Progress" Monthly event in London and also in Kosice, Slovakia, on 30th of April 2008.
Synopsis: "A tribe where magic, witchcraft and playfulness are the rule. A night of rite, a dance to the gods, if gods are twisted little girls"
The themes explored are Religare (latin word which gave terms such as religion and linking) and the Blood as a symbol of the force of life.
Music: PJ Harvey
Choreography: Amandine Vighi
I am a contemporary dancer and choreographer, with an interest in dance theatre, contact improvisation and butoh.
Dana Kolesarova and I co-founded Newington Dance Space in London in September 2007.
I'm also a registered psychologist, specialized in clinical and sport psychology and work as a mental health worker.