Football in all forms, watching it, especially man utd, playing it physically and also in cyberworld in the form of on line Football manager. Also drinking beer and spending time with my chick and baby
I've met my makers, my parents. I've met my soul mate in Toni. I've met my angel in Beth so who else is there???????????????? GIRLS ALOUD. inc ginger. Also Sir Alex and king Eric
Not majorly interested in music. like all kinds.
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Will watch anything and everything. Best of all time is Forrest Gump and waterboy
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Don't watch much at all, seems my TV is dictated by the women. Cbeebies when Beth is here, rubbish dancing stuff in evening when toe takes control. Simpsons is the best
Read quite a few from biogs to harry potters. prob Potters or LOTR's
Mum and dad, bro Darren and sister Stacey. My extremely special girlfriend for being the most completely brilliant person ever. Roy Keane is a legend. And Homer simpson, trust me, everything u need to know about the fundamentals of parenting, relationships and general enjoyment of life can be learned by the great yellow man