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• Click Here • Download • DJ XKON • New Begginnings • Electro Mix • November 2007
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• Download • DJ XKON • House Mix • CD1
• Download • DJ XKON • House Mix • CD2
January Thirteenth - The day of upward mobility
Absolute security is an illusion. Seek to continue growing and learning. Continue taking chances and don't get locked in. Beware of suspicious tendencies. Money isn't everything.
Those born on January 13 are very much concerned with enhancing their security through improved status. Of course, some January 13 people are born into wealth, but most struggle upwards their whole life to achieve a position of preeminence, power, security and authority. Having bettered their lot, rarely if ever will they allow themselves to slip back into a lower social category. Indeed, those January 13 people who have risen from poverty often display a repulsion for their humble beginnings. Thus they generally feel most comfortable identifying with the middle and upper financial classes, Being well-off, very well-off, comfortable or simply secure are the only possibilities as far as these determined individuals are concerned.
The theme of upward mobility may be a kind of philosophical outlook for this day. January 13 people are devoted to human self-improvement in a larger, more profound sense, and seek to educate, enlighten and intellectually broaden their family and friends, as well as themselves. Having an often remarkable memory aids greatly in such endeavors, as does a buoyant sense of optimism.
January 13 can carry a great deal of insecurity with them; as the constantly seek to better themselves, they may not be comfortable where they are any given time; they may insist on their correctness in all things to assure themselves. Those born on this day can thus have a great difficulty admitting to any weakness or failure in their makeup. It is not so much that they consider themselves perfect, but that admitting poor judgment, errors or lack of knowledge could begin them on a downward spiral, which they will not allow. Proud above all else, January 13 people hate putting themselves in an inferior position relative to anyone they know; this may amount to mania at times.
For all those above reasons, January 13 people run the risk of being unrealistic as regards their true abilities and success. Not overly concerned with the opinion of others, they may increasingly rely on their own judgment to the exclusion of outside input. Naturally, this attitude isolates them and ultimately wins them few friends.
On the other hand, when January 13 people gladly let others in to share their world, they can be "the life of the party," so to speak, as their unflagging optimism carries others along. Though highly opinionated and sometimes stubborn, those born on this day are never boring.
January 13 people should strive to keep their kindness and generosity alive, particularly since their ability to both give and take freely is an important indicator of their mental wellbeing, in later life particularly. Nonconditional giving as well as being able to accept gifts from others without feeling threatened are important goals for them to strive for. Above all, those born on January 13 must never forget their roots and deeply human origins.
Ruled by the number 4, the number 4 typically represents rebellion, idiosyncratic beliefs and a desire to change the rules. However, January 13 people may become overly authoritarian in laying down their own rules once they themselves occupy a position of power. Although the number 13 is considered unlucky by many people it is, rather, a powerful number which does carry the responsibility of using its power wisely or inviting self-destruction.
The Sun's entry into Capricorn marks the beginning of winter (the Winter Solstice). It is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, a time when the light will grow as the temperatures fall. The celebration of Christmas (see Rick Levine's The Gift of the Magi) is closely associated with this "return of the light," representing new hope at a time of darkness.
The Capricorn personality reflects this idea of rising from the bottom to arrive at the top. It's a "vertical" or hierarchical sign that's particularly aware of its status or place in the pecking order. Defined rules help Capricorns keep track of where they are and they often excel in situations where there are clear benchmarks to measure their accomplishments.
This Ain't No Ordinary Goat
Capricorn's goat isn't your garden variety can eater with a bell around its neck. This is a free mountain goat, able to scale the great heights under difficult circumstances. Like this animal, most Capricorns aren't afraid of struggle. In fact, they often need a challenge to make their lives interesting.
Capricorn has also been represented as a goat-fish, a goat with the tail of a fish. This can be interpreted as describing the watery sensitivity that lies at the root of Capricorn's ambition. Its often tough exterior masks a more vulnerable person inside. The idea of the goat-fish also suggests that a spiritual base (the fish) is the perfect balance to worldly aspirations.
The Mastery of Saturn
Ruled by (associated with) the planet Saturn, Capricorn's about working within the boundaries of defined limits. Traditional astrologers sometimes viewed those born under this sign as overly serious, even melancholy. However, Saturn's sense of order and necessity correlate perfectly with Capricorn's desires to win within the rules of its particular game. This is a sign of commitment.
Saturn also reminds us of Capricorn's focus which allows high levels of skill to be developed. It's a sign of mastery. Whatever it does, Capricorn wants to be the very best. This intense focus is one reason why Capricorn is such a high achiever. It's been said that Capricorn has one great natural skill: the ability to apply itself and master whatever it chooses to learn.
Capricorn is a cardinal sign, one that initiates one of the four seasons of the year (Aries, Cancer and Libra are the other cardinal signs). It's also an earth sign, thus rooted in pragmatism (Taurus and Virgo are the other earth signs). This unique combination of initiative and realism makes Capricorn the perfect production machine. It sets its sights high, but is always aware of what means it will use to achieve its goals.
The Adult Child
Capricorns often take on adult responsibilities at an early age. This serves them later with a sense of maturity and patience beyond their years. However, this can also shorten the carefree playful time of childhood that's necessary for emotional and creative development.
Many Capricorns have to learn how to have fun, to be free and foolish. A conscious effort to let go of goals and enjoy life for itself can be a difficult task for some born under this sign. Yet when this lesson is learned, it can be a delight to watch these "old" ones grow younger with time.
Rockers, Despots and Healers
A significant number of rock musicians were born in this supposedly serious sign. Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Jimmy Page, Rod Stewart, Patti Smith, Janis Joplin, Michael Stipe, Eddie Vedder, Ricky Martin, Dave Matthews and Kid Rock are all Capricorns.
Discipline and focus are central to Capricorns Tiger Woods and Jeff Bezos. Successful Capricorn performers include Jim Carrey, Andy Kaufman, Denzel Washington, Anthony Hopkins, Mel Gibson and Nicholas Cage.
The darker side of this sign is represented by Richard Nixon, Mao Tse-tung, Joseph Stalin, J. Edgar Hoover and Dr. Laura Schlessinger. The balance can be found in heriod Capricorns Albert Schweitzer and Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Monterrey Mexico....

No time to write, just wanted to let everyone know, I made it to Monterrey safely. So far it's been a very cool city with a lot of friendly people. I'll write more tomorrow... Going to check out some ...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 10:00:00 GMT

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Posted by on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 07:30:00 GMT

I wanna Bush you around!

undefined I wanna Bush you around! Add to My Profile | More Videos
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Video - Bonnaroo 2007 Part 1

I'd write a fancy review on Bonnaroo, but as they say pictures speak a thousand words...Enjoy!Hope to see everyone @ 10,000 lakes festival in July!Check out this video: Bonnaroo 2007 Part 1 ...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 23:00:00 GMT

Wanee Festival 2007

Wanee Festival 2007 Add to My Profile | More VideosGOOD TIMES!
Posted by on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 18:47:00 GMT

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Bird Fishing with Lexxx & Bruha

Bird Fishing Add to My Profile | More Videos I couldn't decide, but I think I like it better in Black & White....Bird Fishing V2 Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 04:35:00 GMT

To the crazy person, the normal one is insane

Quoted from the book "The Secret Language of Birthdays" January Thirteenth - The day of upward mobility Absolute security is an illusion. Seek to continue growing and learning. Continue taking chances...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 07:43:00 GMT

George W Bush - American Idiot

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