flaca profile picture


people who ain't saying nothing alwayz talk the most ..:::you got 2 ears + 1 mouth = that meanz you

About Me

Basically I'm half Palestinian half Boriqua so that'z the best of both worldz ;) Arab and Latino and 100% Muslim, that meanz I believe in the "ONE" Lord alone and like they say "If he bringz you 2 it, he'll see you through it."I'm not looking 4 love so just keep it simple with me and please keep it real cause I alwayz do...I'm into school, tennis, choir, debate team, national honor society, and my family is everything.I love 2 shop but trendz and shiny objectz don't impress me much and neither do songz about them either cause you ain't ish with it if you ain't ish without it. I'm into fashion but I don't care that much 4 other people judging cause like tupac said all that matterz is what God thinkz.I will give my last breath 2 free Palestine from the oppression and racism of Zionism and Israeli occupation. FREE PALESTINE / VIVA PALESTINA***r.i.p. Mahmoud, the innocent Palestinians murdered recently in Gaza, and the rest we lose every day 2 Israeli violence*** JAN 2007 END THE OCCUPATION OF PALESTINE since 1948 occupied by "Israel" the real terrorists.'"

My Interests


"a child called it" by Dave Pelzer - read it!


anyone that wantz 2 put a stop 2 racism, Zionism, and Israeli terror.