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Eric Dill

Eric Dill's Official MySpace

About Me


GenCon Indianapolis 2007 Aug 16th-19th
June 30, 2007
Eric Dill may have left the Click Five, but he hasn't left his old label home. Atlantic head of A&R Andy Karp is at work with Dill—who has relocated to Los Angeles and is also acting—on a solo album Karp expects to hit stores in early 2008. "Eric's looking to go in a harder, more alternative-sounding direction," says Karp, who compares the material to fellow singer/actor Jared Leto's band 30 Seconds to Mars. So far, Dill's written with Kara DioGuardi and Dave Hodges (formerly of Evanescence), and Karp says he hopes to get Dill in the studio later this summer. As for whether the label will market Dill as a former member of the Click Five, Karp says it plans to let the music determine the approach. "Our goal is to feel as authentic as possible."
Help CosmoGirl get Taking 5 into theaters: click here
Eric inducts his Taking 5 bobble-head into Planet Hollywood
The cast of Taking 5 at Planet Hollywood
From the film Taking 5

Eric is currently working on new music

My Interests


Member Since: 1/23/2007
Band Website:
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Getting Closer (Producer/Engineer)

  The next step, at this point, is to make sure that I have just the right producer for my first album. A producer, as well as (sound) engineer, is vitally important when it comes to taking the m...
Posted by Eric Dill on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:46:00 PST


Welcome to my MySpace. This has been a neat way for me to share some of the music I have been working on, some pictures, and to continue contact with fans and make new ones as I make my tra...
Posted by Eric Dill on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 12:24:00 PST