About You...
Age 19
Birthplace Nov 10 1987
Current Location Westmont IL
Hair Color brown
Eye Color brown
Height 6,6
Heritage german
Your fears dont really have any
Your weakness my truck women lots of things
Goal for today dont have one
Goal for this year start school
Lifetime goal get married and have all things i want
When do you want to get married? dont know before i turn 30
and to whom? who ever i fall in love with
Ever been in love? not really
Currently in love? nope
Do you think you are attractive? some what
Your best physical feature arms i would assume
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... um no ill pass on that crap
gone skinny dipping... nope
been beaten up... people are usally scared of me so no need to fight
wanted to kill someone... all the time
gone a week without MySpace... saddly no
gone a week without TV... even sadder no
Who's the last person to...
kiss you... stephanie
say hi to you... ryan
talk to you... katrina
What's the last...
Time you cried? have no clue
Book you've read? i would assume it was one in school dont remember what it was
Store you've been in? quickey mart
Can you...
Dance? hahah no
Speak a differenty language? bad english
Cook? a mean mac and cheese
Write w/ both hands? chicken scratch
Whistle? nop
Finish the line...
If I had a... 2006 power wagon ram
I would wheel the living crap out of it
So I can get it all muddy