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What should your nick name be?
your smart but u surround yourself with people that dont share your IQ but you luv them anyway
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!Internet Breathalizer: How Drunk Are You?
Created by EvilAuthor on Memegen.net
That feeling of personal greatness has subsided, but on the plus side, you are entertained by the simplest things, like your friend stumbling, names that sound like body parts, and people telling you that you are drunk (which is OBVIOUSLY false). Alternatively, if you are more of an angry drunk, every little thing is grating on your nerves and reminding you of all the crap you put up with and rage you suppress all day long. You know what? You don't care what they think, but you're sure as hell gonna tell them what YOU think!
Estimated Blood Alcohol Level: 0.105
...Or you're a slut.
Take this quiz now - it's easy!
Which of the following contains the least alcohol:
They all contain about the same amount of alcohol, on average. Except during Spring Break...
A can/bottle of beer.
A glass of wine.
A college student.
A Jello(TM) shooter.
A single shot of hard liquor (vodka, tequila, rum, etc).
A Flaming Moe(TM).
I'd like to meet:
Id Lick to Meet Omar again as well as The Mars Volta and Sparta.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
Jis forJealous
Eis forEnchanting
Ris forRefined
Eis forExplosive
Mis forMellow
Yis forYoung
is for
Mis forMushy
Ois forOrganic
Ris forRefreshing
Ais forArtistic
Lis forLuscious
Eis forExtreme
Sis forSappy
What Does Your Name Mean?
Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice: Cigarette lighter
Your Favorite Target: Cops
Your Kill Count: 1,304,777,968
Your Battle Cry: "Mutha fuckaaaaaaas!"
Years You Spend in Jail: 9
How Much Money In Damages You Cause: $71,942,972,610,455
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 85%
Quiz created with MemeGen !
I love to play guitar and bass =P
Wanna share it? Copy the link below!
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What Kind Of Metal Are You?
Melodic Metal
Melodic metal is ever-changing, like leaves on a tree, and in that sense will constantly update itself and apply all of the tricks of its time. Some bands in the melodic field are actually in other categories, but fit here too. Children of Bodom, Into Eternity, Dream Evil, and Tad Morose are some good leading bands in the melodic area. You should be proud of yourself for listening to music that is not only better than everyone else's, but that also employs some of the most atmospheric rhythms imaginable. You're a cool kid.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..my cousin!
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Which South Park kid are you most like?
You are extremely hyper... mainly because of your high caffiene intake. You feel like you're under too much pressure.
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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.
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What is a good quote for you?
by grlinterupted
Say what?? "Every time I go to the doctors I get a jacket, a straight one. It makes me feel special because I get to hug myself."
Quiz created with MemeGen !
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