I'm not blonde... I'm knot! I'm knot! profile picture

I'm not blonde... I'm knot! I'm knot!

I am here for Friends

About Me

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Hi im Laura, im 20 and live in the wonderful, oh so exciting county of somerset! I love all my friends and love to make new ones. I guess im a rather opinionated person when it comes to certain topics but i do listen to other people's views aswell :) i can be sarcastic at times. im a pretty outgoing person, who loves to try new things. If you wanna get to know me better, then just add me and leave a message saying hi, as im an easy person to talk to, and would love to get to know y'all wonderfull people out there!! :)
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Survey About Yourself
About You
Eye Color: Blue/Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5..'..'4 ( i know short ass hehe)
Favorite Color: Blue
Screen Name: Liastra
Favorite Band: Don..'t have one
Favorite Movie: Again i dont have one
Favorite Show: ummm...
Your Car: Ford Fiesta Quartz, (oh yes im proud!!)
Your Hometown: Street
Your Present Town: Street
Your Crushes First Name: Jake :P
Your Grade: My grade in wot?
Your Style: My own, i don..'t stereotype myself
Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop?: yer
Kissed someone in the rain?: yup
Danced in a public place?: ha yer
Smiled for no reason?: probably
Laughed so hard you cried?: haha yer i have some crazeee friends who make me laugh loads!!
Peed your pants after age 8?: Not that i am aware of
Written a song?: yes
Sang to someone for no reason?: haha yer probably, especially when im drunk lol
Performed on a stage?: Yer loads of times
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yup
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: probably
Made out in a theatre?: umm no :(
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: nope, but soo want to!
Been in love?: yarp
Who was the last person to
Say HI to you?: Vicky
Tell you, I love you?: Jake
Kiss you?: Jake
Hug you?: Teresa
Tell you BYE?: Ben
Write you a note?: Jackie
Take your photo?: Laura
Call your cell phone?: Teresa
Buy you something?: Lorna
Go with you to the movies?: Jake
Sing to you?: Helen
Write a poem about you?: ha i dunno.. like tom bk in primary school haha
Text message you?: Alex
Touch you?: Teresa
What's the last
Time you laughed?: Umm earlier today
Time you cried?: Umm yesterday maybe
Movie you watched?: The Rock, a brilliant movie!!
Joke you told?: Umm have no idea, prob an inside joke with all my friends..
Song you've sang?: Schubert
Time you've looked at the clock?: Ha just now after reading that statement :P
Drink you've had?: Pina colada (hehe classy :P)
Number you've dialed?: Chris
Book you've read?: The Red Room
Food you've eaten?: Pasta
Flavor of gum chewed?: Spearmint
Shoes you've worn?: Lush sandles
Store you've been in?: Oneida, so happens to be where i work lol
Thing you've said?: Good bye
Can You
Write with both hands?: Ha yer, but not coherently
Whistle?: yup
Blow a bubble?: Ha yer
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yup
Cross your eyes?: yup
Touch your tounge to your nose?: No but u can guess im now trying to lol
Dance?: Yer, not v well tho :P
Gleek?: Ha ye
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yup
Speak a different language?: Yer but not v well lol
Impersonate someone?: some of my friends lol
Prank call people?: yep
Make a card pyramid?: ha yes
Cook anything?: of course, im a damn good cook, despite what anyone thinks :D
Finish The Line
If i were a ...: umm :S lol
I wish ...: I can achieve what I set out to do
So many people don't know that ...: Im out to get you.. muhahahaha *ahem*..
I am ...: honest, blunt, friendly, opinionated, crazzee chic! hehe
My heart is ...: in the right place :)
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My Interests

Music, music and more music! i love playing my violin and piano and various other strange but wonderful instruments that i have, such as the didgeridoo, chile flute and african drum... i love to sing all genres of music and after this year am hoping to start teaching it in my spare time :) Other interests i have are in natural disasters/hazard, this consists of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and volcanoes...I think they are awesome and therefore am hoping to persue a career in this area.. this meaning that i probably will have to move abroad to america.. which is unfortunate as america in general goes against everything i stand for.. hmm i know this is interests but this is probably a good place to let u know about my opinions and morals...America is one of my big hates, they cause the most amount of C02 emissions, they deny that global warming exists!! Why do you Americans think u are gettin so many more hurricanes each year!?! And get this.. instead of helping all the people in the poverty area of new orleans rebuild their lives and still, a year later, find bodies under the rubble, they rather spend 12 million dollars on planting palm trees in the posh end of new orleans!! well done America you really do know ur priorities..Don't get me wrong, America has some good qualities such as amazing landscape but the bad things override the good things, what is the point in having such amazing landscapes if ur ruining it?? How can you let such a dumbass rule ur country? anyways.. this is becoming a rant, but as u see i have issues with america... Not that im sayin england is any better, finally we have recycling bins, but why do people insist on complaining about them? and why cant people see that environmental lightbulbs are soo great? fair enough you dont give a crap about the environment but cant u see it will save u money?? Fair enough if you dont agree with my opinions, feel free to contact me and disagree with me as long as u can back up ur opinions and be open minded to mine..
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... twinkle in the moonlight
Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... amazing
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... unique

Quiz created with MemeGen !
How to make a Laura
5 parts mercy
5 parts humour
3 parts ego
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Top it off with a sprinkle of caring and enjoy!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com
How You Life Your Life
You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
Some of your past dreams have disappointed you, but you don't let it get you down. How Do You Live Your Life?
You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You?
Your Vibe Is Somewhat Sexy
On a good day, you're the sexiest woman in the world
But on a bad day, you can't help but feel a little average
Try to remember the times you've felt the sexiest...
And keep that attitude even on the worst of days How Sexy Is Your Vibe?
Guys Like That You're Sensitive
And not in that "cry at a drop of a hat" sort of way
You just get most guys - even if you're not trying to
Guys find it is easy to confide in you and tell you their secrets
No wonder you tend to get close quickly in relationships! What Do Guys Like About You?
Your Reputation Is: Mystery Girl
You're the girl that everyone is trying to figure out.
Men are attracted to your intriguing persona - and women want to copy it! What's Your Reputation?
You Are Bad Girl Sexy
Girl, you are nothing but trouble. And that's hot.
You've got the classic bad girl sexiness mojo going on.
And your badass attitude makes men fear you - and crave you.
Don't give into people who say to tone it down. You're perfect as is. What Kind of Sexy Are You?
You Are Thong Panties
Woman, you are one hell of a ride!
You're a total wild child - and you live for crazy times.
Men are attracted to you like flies to honey, even though they know they should stay away.
You need a expert cowboy who can keep in tune with your free spirit! What Kind of Panties Are You?
You are a New Age Girl!
You're bright, opinionated, and dedicated to changing the world.
Even if it's one hybrid car at a time, you do you part to make things better.
In fact, you may be so busy with your causes that you have little time for love.
Take an extra yoga class or two, and you just might meet New Age Guy! What Kind of Girl Are You?
You'll Find Love Where You Least Expect It
You're the type most likely to find love... surprised?
You shouldn't be! You're a fun, independent woman who is always out and about.
And you're smart to sometimes leave your girlfriends behind and go it alone.
Men love to approach you when you're out by yourself - including Mr. Perfect! Where Will You Find Love?
Lis forLovable
Ais forAltruistic
Uis forUseful
Ris forRadical
Ais forAstounding What Does Your Name Mean?

Why do you cry?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm Angelic Cute!! made by Jen

Your Stripper Song Is
She Wants to Move by N.E.R.D.

"Her off beat dance makes me fantasize
(Her curves) She's sexy!!"

You are 100% sex appeal. As simple as that. What Song Should You Strip To?

you like that they provide the security and luxury while all you have to do is enjoy it. because spoiling you is what make them happy. they love to show you off and to make you happy. they work hard play hard and fall in love hard. they would walk to the end of the earth for you. tresure this love!
Take this quiz at QuizHeaven.comAwesome Tornado

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As it said in my interests i LOVE music!! I dont stereotype myself to one genre i love music from all categories.. The following are songs and groups which i think are good enough to deserve a mention :P : The Used, My Chemical Romance, System of a Down, Nirvana, Incubus, will smith, the cannon, handel, haydn, evanescence, corelli, pink, christina aguilera, walking in memphis (billy joel), laputa, Run it (chris brown), D12, corrs, Merican (descendents), The immortal (DJ Fresh), Eminem, Jack Johnson, Fall Out Boys, Evil (Interpol), Jump Around (House of Pain), Jamelia, Nelly Furtardo, No Doubt, Orson, Gwen Stefani, Kelly Clarkson, Muse, California (Phantom Planet), Another Day in Paradise (Phil Collins), Every you Every Me (Placebo), Out of Space (The Progidy), She Hates Me (Puddle of Mudd), Break The NIght With Colour (Richard Ashcroft), Horny as a Dandy (LOO & PLACIDO), Rihanna, Voodoo Child (Rogue Traders), Good to be here (Rooster), Sandi Thom, Scissor Sisters, Shakira, Snow Patrol, What Ever Happened to Mary?(Stigmata, Will Young, Monster (Automatics), All that Jazz (DJ Fresh)... along with many many more...


I don't have any heroes.. I just respect everyone who is nice and mature, has opinions and ideas and can back them up. People who know loss and love and is a rounded descent person.. not false but true to themselves..

My Blog


I don't believeIn the smile that you leave,When you walk awayAnd say goodbyeWell I don't expectThe world to move underneath meBut for God's sakeCould you try?..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-...
Posted by I'm not blonde... I'm knot! I'm knot! on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 12:45:00 PST

My petty hates...

Its just come to my attention that i have many petty hates which leave me in a bad mood... so thought, seeming that i have lots of time on my hands, i should rant about it... 1. I hate it when someon...
Posted by I'm not blonde... I'm knot! I'm knot! on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 11:55:00 PST