UPDATED 8/08/07: Who am I? Well, I can be a total jerk, opinionated, and irritating at times, but I'd like to think I balance that off with my unrelenting sense of humor and helping nature. I feel very fortunate to have made such wonderful high school friends, and am really happy with my friends I have today - you know who you are and thanks!!; I'm glad my mother dragged me off to dance lessons when I was too young for my vote to count - the coordination I gained helped tremendously with athletics throughout college and beyond (though the pictures are truly scandalous!); I was SO lucky to have such a great soccer coach up at Bates that believed in me and gave me a chance to prove myself, and for such fantastic soccer teammates - what great memories!!! I work hard in a profession I have gained much from (and can't wait to get out of!); I always have room for new friends, as long as they are honest (but not brutally!), true to their word, and can add something positive to my life; I love to sing and think I'm pretty good... but haven't had many people request an encore (okay, I haven't had ANYBODY request an encore - no wait, I think one person did, but she was drunk).SOME ADVICE TO THE YOUNGSTERS IN MY LIFE, OR TO THOSE JUST BROWSING HERE: Get your priorities straight early in life...develop a strong support system for the days you may need it...set your goals high and go get them ASAP - don't waste time!...believe in yourself...DON'T GO DEEP INTO DEBT NO MATTER WHAT!!!...find someone to love that loves you back...don't get to the second half of your adult life feeling like you wasted the first half, because that SUCKS!!!
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