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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Verno and I am the owner and operator of The Holy Mackerel Studios located at 196 Forbes Avenue in St. Paul, MN...Just between Smith and Grand Avenues on West 7th Street. The Holy Mackerel is a professional Piercing and Tattooing studio that is located just blocks from Downtown St. Paul and the Excel Energy Center. Our phone number...get ready for it...651-222-HOLY. I have been a professional piercer in the industry every day for the last thirteen years and take my job, as well as your health and safety, very seriously. I would encourage you to check out all of my work including suspension, scarification and implantation at Whether it is piercing, scarification or just new jewelry you are thinking of, I specialize in custom, unique jewelry and designs. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to either contact me at the shop or here on MySpace. The tattooing half of our studio features male and female tattoo artists with plenty of experience and fresh ideas for your tattoos. We are able to customize your idea or image to suit your needs...don't have an image yet? No problem, stop in for a consultation and we'll help you design exactly what you want. Walk-ins are always welcome!
Get .. Now Icons Here is a small preview of some of the body jewelry you will find in the studio. Some of the organic materials I carry are Water Buffalo Horn, Fossilized Walrus Jawbone and around twenty different types of indigneous and metamorphic stone. I also have Polish Amber, Petrified Wood, Oceanic Coral, Volcanic Obsidian and the list goes on and on. Most of these materials are natural by-products of the indigenous peoples where the pieces were made. If you are Vegan or Vegetarian I do carry a whole line of non-animal body jewelry that is made from nuts.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

YOU! I am looking for people who truly love body modification and are respectful of those who are not modified. I'm also interested in meeting people who can help keep this industry safer for the clients we meet every day...that means you health inspectors! I feel that most people are pure in their hearts and what I do is something that can bring more of that to the surface to be shared with the rest of the world!
.. Verno Musselman's Profile

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My Blog

Who doesn't like to vote?!

We're looking for a few good ladies and gents to help us out here...So...there's this little thing called 'The Best Of City Pages...' heard of it? Well...I need a favor. Just a little one. Click on ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Mar 2010 01:11:00 GMT


We know we haven't blogged in awhile and please forgive us our absence, but that's all about to change.  Coming soon there will be a whole new blog section of the website that will help you keep up ...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Jan 2010 00:31:00 GMT

Holiday Giftcard Goodness

Because you are awesome clients and we love to see you smile, we are running giftcard promotions for piercing and tattooing through New Years. fFor every $75 Tattoo Giftcard you buy (with any artis...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Nov 2009 15:26:00 GMT

is International Talk Like a Pirate Day at Th' Holy Mackerel.

In observance o' our favorite holiday, th' crew here at Th' Holy Mackerel be celebratin' by dressin' up in our finest shipmate gear, donnin' our eyepatches an' wench outfits an' hostin' an over th' ...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Sep 2009 18:50:00 GMT

The 4th Annual Barn Suspension Event hosted by Holy Mackerel Suspensions....

When: 8/..14/..2009-8/16/2009What: The Holy Mackerel Suspension Barn EventWhere: A barn in the middle of a corn field in Southern Minnesota (about an hour South of the Cities)*Holy Mackerel Suspen...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 15:06:00 GMT

The Holy Mackerel Calender of Events July, August, September

7/2/2009-7/5/2009 Bambi @ CONvergence The Bloomington Sheraton, Bloomington MN Come to CONvergence and meet Bambi, one of our amazing Tattoo Artists! She will be judging the Nerdy Tattoo Cont...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 15:00:00 GMT

They’re here!...

...that's right, I finally have the suspension pictures in my hands!  Now, before you charge the studio looking for them, please know that they won't be on disc for you until tomorrow.  As o...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 18:15:00 GMT

July 2008 Barn Suspension Photos...

Ladies and Gentlemen...    Tonight I posted approximately ten suspension pics on my page.  This is only a random sampling of the entire batch of pictures that I have had the abilit...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 06:37:00 GMT

SUSPENSION cut and paste...

Well it's that time again and this years barn suspension event is scheduled for July 25th-27th at where guessed it folks...the barn!  I want to start out by saying everyone that came l...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 15:46:00 GMT


I'm a quitter as of yesterday! I am strong, but feel beaten down by this!
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 08:49:00 GMT