I worked under the pseudonym of DOD GRILE and Mr. J. Milton Bowers; WILLIAM HERMAN, a joint pseudonym.
I was born in House Cave Creek, Meigs County, Ohio. The tenth son of Marcus Aurelius and Laura Sherwood Bierce.
Brought up under strict Calvinism, I was seriusly affected by the hellfire of this religion. It cause me to have no real affection for any member og my family, exept Albert my brother.I worked in the newspapers business when I was fifteen years old. As a printer's apprentice for the Northern Indian, and anty slavery papper. I studied primary and secondary school in Indiana. Later I entered in the Kentucky Military Institute and at the outbreak of civil war I enlisted in the union army, serving in the 9th Indiana Infantry of the Union Army and later in the Bell's Army of theb Ohio from 1861-65 as Major. Fighting in the battles of Shiloh, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Kennesaw Mountain, and in Sherman's March to the sea. After being injure in the head at Kennesaw Mountain, he serve General W.B. hazen as a topogtaphical engineer. At war end I begain working toward a career as a journalist in San Francisco. In 1871 i experienced two milestones in my life. in july, my first short story, "The Hounted Valley," was published in a magazine called the Overland Mounthly. and On Christmas Day, i got married to Mary Ellen Day. We got tree childrens two men and a girl. Day(1871-1889), Leigh(1874), and Helen(1877).
I got divorce Because a man was writting letters to my wife while i was working. Day my eldest son died of a gun shut in a fight. Leigh years after died of a lung desease inherit from his father.
i worked as a journalist in San Fransisco