Uhh, Just so you know, Neville's Diary is one crazy awesome band :).
HERE ARE MY BLOGS! I have a new banner/blog layout.
Why I think you might need this I am not sure, but here is my email- [email protected]
I know this might disappoint some of you, but I can honestly say, I think I really like Obama :).
My Favorite!
I want to start off by saying- I am aware that in two weeks I will end up deleting this anyways. Also I am aware of the fact that NO ONE reads these things anymore, but for some reason I am amused at the moment, and want to share some stuff about myself. I was born and raised in Garden Grove California. That's in southern California, kids. About half an hour from Disneyland, and an hour or so from LAX. I never thought I would wind up in San Antonio, Texas. At age 17 I found myself saying good bye to my friends, and some of my family. Here I am three years later. I am 20 in a week or two, and it's weird, but I kind of don't want to go back to California. Sure it would be great to see my friends again, but after seeing other places in the country... I think there are way better places to live. you'd be surprised .
I am currently working on getting the certifications that I need to work in a daycare/with kids. I am CPR/First Aid qualified, which I am glad for. I have always had an itching to learn that anyways. Kids are kind of a big deal to me. It may sound really weird but I love spending time around them, playing with them, sharing experiences with them... Making a difference is their lives, as well as they do in mine. I actually wouldn't mind teaching one day, but one step at a time, right?
I love to learn about almost everything that I can. I watch all the educational channels from Animal Planet to the Military Channel. I read about NASA, medical stuff, politics, criminal cases... You name it I will probably want to learn about it. I have always liked to learn. Thank god for libraries, and Internet, right? My favorite thing to learn about is History though. I love to read and write. I could do that all day long. It it was possible to read for money, I would do it! I read just about everything I can, except most Romance novels *shudders* .
Have you noticed that I go by darcylupin. on MySpace? The nickname basically came from Harry Potter by JK Rowling . Remus John Lupin is the name of my favorite character, in the whole series. It's nothing like a crush on a fictional character. Lupin in my opinion is one of the more brilliant character's of the series. A werewolf that has a kind, caring, amusing side-- What's more different than that? No really... If you have ever read the series, you'd understand. Some one thought I was a Teddy Lupin :lover: *smiles* Well, Teddy is great and everything, given that he was brought into the Potterverse by two of my favorite characters, but in all honesty-- It's all about Lupin. He is AMAZING! On the topic of Harry Potter, I might as well get this out in the open. I really like JK Rowling's style from beginning to end. I cannot wait to see what else she comes up with, even if it is another series related to Hogwarts. If she is going to make writing history, she might as well go at it her way, yes?
Okay I have to take a section aside to tell one of my friends, Briana, that I am so thankful for her input on shows I must watch. There is nothing quite like her taste in her interests. One thing that really is awesome is that she loves Science Fiction, and so do my best friend and I. Okay so Briana and I are like IN LOVE with Star Trek, right? Well, one day she starts rambling about Science Fiction, and the next thing I know she is blurting things about Doctor Who. I was interested, naturally. I eventually saw two killer episodes, and fell in love with it. I have to admit... :).
While I am talking about great shows... I want to point out that House, MD. is probably the worst thing I have ever gotten myself hooked on, since sugar. I am not kidding you! No matter how stupid the show may get--- I will still watch it, and you know why? The strange creepy-- disturbing cases that House and his ducklings are faced with. There seems to be nothing that drawls my attention better than a medical show where there is actually something worth learning out of it. No better yet, I could freaking read a book all about diseases, and stuff like that! Uhm, on a side note-- I think James Wilson is-- interesting if you get what I mean . Heh, hence why my Url is /ihartboywonder
Uhhhhh See the thing is that I adore the military. Our troops are number one Joes! I don't know how anyone could live in this country and hate our military! they fight so we can sit on our computers for four hours surfing the internet. They fight so we can keep our freedom of speech. You know in some countries their military rapes women, and takes advantage of everything they can... In some countries the military is almost non-existent. I am very proud to be an American, and have the troops that our country has! The veterans as well, without which Hitler might have over powered us, and without which hurricane deaths, and damages would have been even worse! seriously, don't bad talk the military with me. I have a brother who is a Marine, and a sister that plans on enlisting with the Marines. I support the military past, present, and possibly future.
So basically in a nutshell if you just felt like skipping all the way down tot he bottom of my about me, because I write too much. I am Darcy, again. I live in Texas, and plan on moving out of here eventually. I love to learn, read, and write. I am basically VERY RANDOM! I love this country and it's military. I will be 20 on the 31st of May. I love kids, and plan on working with them. I would rather learn about stuff rather than watch the simpsons for two hours. Oh did I mention I love nature? rawr. ♥ you guys! Ich Liebe Dich, Immur und Fur Immer :) You guys are crazy amazing. if you didn't read my scrolling letter on the top of my profile. In order to leave me a comment you have to click "view/edit all" on my comments section. I just like making life complicated like that :). TEN POINTS FOR ME!
Please don't spit on Grape Creek! YOU WILL DROWN US!