Hi there i would just like to say welcome to benga's world. My real name is Marko,its a long story how benga's came into it, but thats another story coz I ain't got all day and I can only type with one finger. I live and work in Durham the land of the Prince Bishops "well so they say coz ive not seen one" but theres time yet! As you can see in me pic's I have 3 sparrows who take alot of feeding and also a lot of my time,they say its worth it but I've got me doubts about that coz when I was a young one I never fell out the nest I was pushed otherwise I would still be there! I keep telling mine to go and see the world now whilst they are still young but me eldest wants to finsh school and me youngest wants to learn to talk first.I say whats the world coming to' before you know it you wont even be able to shoot or stab anyone on the street without getting a caution for it. Anyway feel free to browse this page and I hope you enjoy the music I like..
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
people who have time for me then I have time for them,,,,,end
cool as f**k