Film, Theater, Books, Yoga, Music, Travel, Lounging by pools with tropical drinks . . .
All sorts of people who have already passed. See my Heros list and compare dead and alive.
Foo Fighters, Dave Matthews Band, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Big Wreck, Bowie, Beastie Boys, U2, Radio Head, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Aretha, Billie Holiday, Etta James, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Queen, Kings of Leon, Django Reinhardt, Dylan, Croce, The Mama's and the Papa's, Peter, Paul & Mary, Broadway (yeah, I know), Whatever Jim is Singing . . .
let's see . . . while i can find fault with most films, some that rate right up there at the top are: ~ Roman Holiday ~ Breakfast at Tiffany's ~ The African Queen ~ Dead Again ~ Schindler's List ~ Swing Kids ~ Dead Poet's Society ~ Nightmare Before Christmas ~ Labyrinth ~ A Muppet Chrismas Carol (shut up, you don't know) ~ Resevoir Dogs ~ In America (if you haven't seen this, you must) ~ My Fair Lady ~ Singin' in the Rain ~ I can always watch the Harry Potter flicks & Scooby Doo, but that doesn't make me look very intellectual, does it? yeah, i guess i really like movies . . .
"The Office." I'll pretty much watch anything on the History Channel or Food Network. I love Alton Brown. I need to see "Trailer Park Boys" and have been too lazy to rent it.
Why, what have you got?!? I will read anything. Voraciously. Loved the Potter series, and will forever be able to pick up any of them, & open to the middle. Also eagerly awaiting the final in the Inheritance series. The final Frankenstein book is due from Koontz in June!!! I think I'll re-read the other two again . . . CURRENTLY READING: "Enchanted, the Audrey Hepburn Story" -- and am loving it. . .UPDATE! Really loved "Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet. An absolute Must Read! Also just finished "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" by Gregory Maguire (author of "Wicked" and "Son of a Witch"). I am very fond of Maguire's writing style. I have "Mirror, Mirror" but need a break from him for now. . .all-time favorites that i can pick up and read from any point in the book (cuz i've read them at least 20 times): ~ Jane Eyre ~ Wuthering Heights ~ anything by L.M Montgomery ~ anything by Roald Dahl ~ anything by J.K. Rowling ~ anything by Louissa May Alcott ~ anything by Jane Austen ~ anything by William Shakespeare (but especially the sonnets.) ~ also love me some Derrick Walcott. ~ God's Trombones by James Weldon Johnson is so beautiful you don't know if you should dance or cry.maybe that's enough. i'll never stop . . .
Hmmm . . . probably not too tradional but: - Carol Burnette - Ellen Degeneres - William Shakespeare - Louisa May Alcott - Jane Austen - My Mom - Jim - J.K. Rowling has to go here now too - Ethan Craig (firefighter) - More as they are revealed to me . . . -