Tuxedo Cat! profile picture

Tuxedo Cat!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

BANDS! Don't ask to be my friend UNLESS: 1.You sound like Chain of Strength. 2.You sing about Patrick Swayze. 3.You ARE Chain of Strength. 4.You ARE Patrick Swayze. 5.You have good hair!(Remember kids, hair goes up and back, not down and forward...) Oh, alright, I'll tell you the truth. I host and organise Burlesque shows and play in a band called Smoke & Thunder, but just to balance things out I make model aeroplanes and nerd out about war movies.

My Interests

Patrick Swayze and Chain of Strength. Also skateboarding, playing bass geetar in Smoke&Thunder, model aeroplanes, the F-4 Phantom, collecting militaria and the Commodore 64 and CATS! I've just got into dancing (properly) so new partners welcome.

I'd like to meet:

PATRICK SWAYZE! And Chain of Strength...and the little red-haired girl...AND CATS! If anyone has any awesome pictures of awesome cats, send them my way...


Chain of Strength and Patrick Swayze. And this...


Anything with Patrick Swayze.


If anyone wants to make another ill-judged, wildly inaccurate and misleading documentary about straight-edgers that's fine by me as long as Chain of Strength are on the soundtrack. And there's a poster of Patrick Swayze in the background! And Squidbillies, because of the Swayze Crazy episode.


Anything that brings me closer to the Swayze...

My Blog

If fucking up was an olympic sport...

I'd be a seven-time gold medallist.  Hmmmm. Not content with spilling coffee on my wireless telephone thus rendering it quite useless, I then had to go and fail my driving test by having an ...
Posted by Tuxedo Cat! on Sun, 04 May 2008 04:32:00 PST


I get it now.  Before I started driving I always thought those ultimate driving classic rock CD sets were silly, then I drove round with the Dazed And Confused soundtrack playing and it all made ...
Posted by Tuxedo Cat! on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 03:15:00 PST

Smoke & Thunder, back in the studio!

Well, we just spent 16 hours in the studio, making the best of John "One Take" O'Neill while we still have him. Seriously, all but one of 12 tracks went down in one take.  What a legend. A stark ...
Posted by Tuxedo Cat! on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 04:24:00 PST

Duxford, baby, DUXFORD!!!!

I'm finally going to the American Air Museum at Duxford this weekend and I can't wait!  It's my 30th birthday present to myself.  They have an F-4J, so I fully expect to break down in tears ...
Posted by Tuxedo Cat! on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 06:26:00 PST