I love to play paintball. Playing suicide behind my old high school after midnight until dawn. I like hiking in the mountains; going to bondfires; Philly art museum; going to Ocean City, NJ; chinese food; and travaling any were. I will have to admit that I do like to play video games, but when all of your friends, and I mean all of them, stop playing Halo when you move to Florida, something is wrong. Makes a man think. What is wrong with them!..
Before I had this up showing all of the places that I have already been. Well since that is only all of the states from Maine to Florida along the east coast it really seemed pointless to me. I chose instead to let all of you know all the places that I hope to go. So here it is.
I like any music that reminds me of either people, places, or events.
I really am into movies so there are a lot. I'll only say some of them though. The Four Feathers, Aliens, Godzilla King of the Monsters, the Good the Bad and the Ugly, Braveheart, and Waynes World. I guess I was really all over the place with that listing.
I like to watch british comedies, Law and Order, and Heroes. If there were any good cartoons on any more I would watch them. They just don't have any of the good ones on any more like the Tick, Freakazoid, Voltron, and that whole lot. I feel really bad for the kids nowadays. Thank God that all of the old cartoons that I grew up with are coming out on DVD. I waited far to long for the Tick to come out, but it was really worth the wait. Now the kids that I will one day have will be able to bask in the warm fuzzy goodness of the capital animated pleasure that I and many like me were blessed to grow up with... width="425" height="350" ....
Sun Tzu's The Art of War; Starship Troopers; War of the Worlds; and more. I am currently trying to read all of the books that I have. I really love to read books that inspire my imagination, or makes me think. The greatest book in my own opinion would be the Gospel of John. Really it is the entire Bible.
My favorite heroe would have to be a man that proved Himself to be completely selfless, brave, faithful, loving, and strong. I guess to say the truest friend. Jesus. Yeah I'll say it at the risk of sounding lame. After that would be my father cause he is who he is, a real man. Not enough of them going around anymore. A distant third would have to be Brian Jackson. He is the only person that I have seen that fit half of a meatball sandwich in his mouth without biting it. I don't know if that is just gross or the funnist thing I have seen, maybe both.