I am interested in everything. My main interests are writing and watching movies, and trying to learn little tid bits of different languages. I enjoy learning languages and think that they are fun, by the time I die I want to be fluent in ten languages. I enjoy almost anything and have found that in most cases that if I try it some part of me will like it so its all good.
People that like to have a good time. Life is too short to surround yourself with grumpy people
Lets see where would I start. I like all kinds of music so to really try and get a feel for where I am at you would have to put my Ipod on random for about a year. I listen to a lot of jazz and classical and jazz wise Charlie Parker is my favorite and classically I enjoy Chopin. Other then that it has been italian music, Bando bardo bondo, ATPC, semisonica, when I lived in Torino there were to many bands to see and these are a few of them. Bando Bardo Bondo kick ass. Some hip hop, a lot of eighties, and some rock and punk. The only music that I don't listen to is Country and that is just because I don't really know any artists. If it sounds nice then I will listen. -- E-40 - One Night -- Video provided by www.tunes4yourpage.com
I'm what they call a conasewer. My favorite movie is ARMY OF DARKNESS if you don't like that movie then get outta here. Other then cheesy horror films I watch foreign and independent films. recently I have seen. Man on the Train, Shikoku, Battle Royal, Suicide Club, Rouge, Blu, Blanc, H, Free Radicals, and Infection. Other movies that are some of my favorites are, Idle Hands, Freejack, Goonies, The Monster Squad, BladeI,II,III, Bourne Identity I,II, Donnie Darko(Awesome), Snatch, Shaun of the Dead, Attic Expeditions. If I had to write a top five list it would go as follows:1. Army of Darkness 2. Donnie Darko 3. Idle Hands 4. Shaun of the Dead 5. Battle Royal
To busy watching movies to watch tv, if anything it would be Family Guy or Boy Meets World.
Leaves of Grass, The Iliad, Odyssey, Angels and Demons, and The Da Vinci Code.
My heros are everyday people that show me things about myself and life in general and make me view the world in a different way, everyone can be a hero.