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The Mars Patrol Brasil Fan Site

About Me

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The Mars Patrol é formado por Davina Divine, Ross Nelson e Stephen Parker. A banda é de Edimburgo, Escócia. Formanada em novembro de 2004, inicialmente por Davina e Nelson. A música de estréia foi 'Sanitize' que alcançou primeiro lugar numa rádio independente de Chicago. A música foi comentada e considerada a true classic' e 'a record of considerable grace and poise'. Barry Gordon, jornalista musical do Daily Record comentou em uma matéria “it’s only a matter of time before David Geffen is looking up Edinburgh on a map.” “Broken promises, shattered dreams, the will to surge on amid the rubble of a beautiful world that’s lost a lot of it’s colour" Davina Divine em resposta disse no Turn It Around “is designed to inspire, help you escape and confront your fears. It will make you realise that, by looking hard enough, you can see there’s still a lot of beauty in the world.” Com alguns problemas que toda banda passa, eles enfrentaram e superaram. Hoje com mais um integrante, o baixista Stephen Parker, fazem sucesso por grande parte do mundo.
The Mars Patrol is Davina Divine, Ross Nelson & Stephen Parker from Edinburgh, Scotland. You may have seen them recently sharing the stage alongside such artists as KT Tunstall, Kula Shaker, The Feeling & Rooster to name a few.
A busy gigging schedule, partnered with a strong internet presence has contributed to the rise and rise of The Mars Patrol. The band now has a worldwide following, including fansites in the UK, Japan, Europe and America, and this following is set to grow due to the recent release of mini-album, “Are You With Me?”. The CD has already received glowing reviews from around the World.

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