We love romantic walks in the rainforest, drinking bucketfuls of organic green tea, 80s glam rock, felines, jiving at the discotheque, climbing campaniles, Eurovision song contest, sparkles, Chanel No. 5, rowing, ballet, cheese and crackers, champagne, The Muppets, Scandinavian Metal, picnicking, strawberries and cream, gardening, Verdi, Dame Barbara Cartland, tweezing, Aerobics Oz style, jumping lilypads, The late Lady Di, bunjee-junping, vegetarians, Goths, fencing and Sudoku.
We are eco-warriors. We are also happy little vegemites!_______________________________________________
Wanna learn about our fellow friends?Click here:
Green Tree Frogs
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Hylidae
AKA: Litoria caerulea
Nationality: Australia, but we like to think of ourselves
as world citizens (sounds corny doesn't it?)
_______________________________________________Habitat: we like to hang in tropical rainforests of Northern Australia but also chill out in homosapiens' bathrooms and letter boxes when we're not globetrotting or under the canopy. We also frequent banana boxes that are used to move bananas to the supermarkets.
Physical characteristics: Ok, so we're obviously sexy guys who are proud to be bald. We are a luminescent green colour though turn dark olive-brown when distressed. Our bellies used to be white but our years of sunbaking in the harsh sunshine that exists outside the canopy has turned our bellys green (that's nothing to do with photosynthesis either). We are quite tall guys at a grand height of 11cm.
Status: Available and unendangered
Diet: Since going vegetarian we've given up insects for soy beans, cheese and crackers, straberries and cream and champagne. Occasionally we slip up though.
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