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"Strands of us touch and cross over so many. We never really see how we touch and affect the people and situations of our world. It is important that you create consciously whatever brings love & joy & peace into your heart. Then this energy will ripple out endlessly through all life everywhere. Believe in what you know in your Soul to be possible. Never give up on your dreams." -Quantum ConsciousnessIsisPleiadians ~AtlasThe greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind. ~William JamesThe Wave of LoveThe 2012 Enigma Pt. 1Fibonacci in LateralusBringers of the Dawn Pt.1 of 18"Consciousness, not matter, is the foundation of everything that Is." -Amit Goswami-QUANTUM PHYSICS AND CONSCIOUSNESS...CONNECTED?THE GOD CODE
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