D e a r V i s i t o r ,
First, thank you for stopping by and checking out my music. Dream Kill Dream is a new project inspired by listening to some unfinished material that i wrote many years ago. It is more or less the evolution of the direction that my previous project was going toward before its demise. Dream Kill Dream will be the realization and expansion beyond many of those old demos and experimental songs that didn't really go anywhere at the time. Of course Dream Kill Dream will also experiment with fresh ideas and thoughts that i have yet to conjure up.
My primary focus right now is just to write a decent handful of demos for my own instant gratification and to share with my friends and whoever else may be interested. This project is in its infancy and will eventually evolve into a full fledge band. But, we shall see how things play out. At this time i'm not too concerned about how polished things are from a recording standpoint. I just want to free-write and hit the record button.
I've completed writing a new track Freedom which you can hear in its demo form right here on myspace. there will be more to come. Until then, enjoy Freedom. Also, check out the blog for lyrics and random notes regarding the song.
if you're interested in my previous work in Eye Kandy or Symbiotic, follow the links below this message.
T h a n k Y o u ,
:::: EYE KANDY MySpace PAGE ::::
:::: SYMBIOTIC MySpace PAGE ::::
Check out Primordial Music for more music and really cool merch!