What about me: well i scuba dive
im a pretty good cook =]
i snowboard
i rock out with my friends
my favorite color is blue
if you ever come across me talking with nick no1...you need to be 18 :P and no2...we have sum of the best, most random sexual references ever known you should listen, you'll learn more from us than anyone ever did from jesus!
i play chess (for all you people out there suddenly thinking what a geek...its a brain game and obviously you just don't have a brain)
apparently i smell nice :)
i drink
-i drink probably too much
on that note i can proudly say i can handle my drink but not white lightning which made me sick and ive only been sick once in my life from alcohol in varuns flowers in his garden
i go to manchester met uni
want to know anythin else then ask (Y)
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Who i'd like to meet. I want to meet the easter bunny so i can have his eggs and gordon ramsey so i can sex him up.
sex me up.