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Alex Jones ( für alle die ihn nicht kennen ) und ansonsten alle Leute die meinen mit einem kranken Kerl wie mir klarkommen zu koennen x)View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
1 Giant Leap )/ Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill Soundtrack)/ Atreyu/ All That Remains/ As I Lay Dying/ Bad Religion/ Beastie Boys/ Born From Pain/ Beetween the Burried and Me/ Billy Talent/ Blink 182/ Bring me the Horizon/ Bullet for my Valentine/ Caliban/ Chimaira/ Children Of Bodoom/ End of The Line/ Dragonforce/ Fear my Thoughts/ God Forbid/ Gorillaz/ Green Day/ Hatebreed/ Heaven Shall Burn/ Helge Schneider/ In Flames/ It dies today/ Jack Johnson/ Killswitch Engage/ Linkin Park/ Machinemade God/ Maroon/ Metallica/ Parkway Drive/ Purified in Blood/ Rammstein/ Red Hot Chilli Peppers/ Soilwork/ Steve Vai/ System of a Down/ The Agony Scene/ Trivium/ The Black Dahlia Murder/ Unearth/ Van Halen/ Yngwie Malmsteen uvm...Seen Live: As I Lay Dying/ Born from Pain/ Bring me the Horizon/ Blind Sight/ Caliban/ Cataract/ End of the Line/ God Forbid/ Hatebreed/ Heaven Shall Burn/ Maroon/ Mysery Speaks Parkway Drive /Purified in Blood/ Killswitch Engage(2*)/ The Black Dahlia Murder/ The Agony Scene /The Ocean/ Unearth / Rise Against/ Story of the Year/ Killswitch Engage/ Bleed the Dream/ Funeral for a Friend/ The Used/ Days In Grief/ Converge
Memento, alles von Helge Schneider und von Alex Jones, ZEITGEIST - THE MOVIE.. jeder der Englisch kann MUSS sich diesen Film ansehen..
Family Guy, Simpsons, Stromberg
Vieles aber all Time favs. sind: 1984 ( George Orwell ) und Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis ( Douglas Adams )
Alex Jones (Verschwörungstheoretiker aus den USA) Black xD