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About Me

Visit the official Area 51 website !!
AREA 51: A showstopping SFX and entertainment company based smack in the heart of the UK. We've a nice big workshop / studio / warehouse attached to a rather warmer office where we spend our time designing and building masses of deliciously oddball characters and props, and sending them off to parties worldwide. We also plan and coordinate lots of exciting events and festivals too.
There's about 20 of us hang about the place, and we always like visitors to drop in. Richard spends most of his time flicking rubber bands at people, Matt pops in every few minutes to collect his cuppa. We keep Phil so busy these days that he only has time for speed dating (sorry girls!).Nat and Charlie lend the office a feminine air - as does Jim. Spyke hides from union-man Tim the whipcracker, usually behind a computer screen in the office. Pippin and Geoff like to play hide and seek in the upper-level costume storage - bless. Ami spends her days browsing asos whilst kirsty is purely there for entertainment purposes! And I'm not really sure what Wacko does a the moment.. sort of lurks about brandishing hair straighteners. Along with the rest of them, we're on a mission to make the World a better and more entertaining place to live in. So why not join in..?
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